WT Rule: Disfellowshipped Should Shun One Another!

by Swan 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty
    So the mesage from the organization is clear. If you're DA'd or DF'd, you cannot talk to a JW, you cannot talk to an ex-JW, and if you make friends with non-JW's, that would show what they call a "worldly spirit".

    Today at the bank drive-thru a young JW couple were in the next lane talking to a teller. While she went to get an answer about their account I lowered my passenger side window and said "HI, xxxx. How's it going. He sarted talking until his devout raised in the troof dubwife told him I am an apostate so he got real quiet and started talking to her. I'm sure the elders will hear about how I have no respect for theocratic arrangements. I hope they gag on it because if I went along with their arrangements I would still be supporting their demonised Governing Body and its god. I make it a point to talk to every JW I meet out in public because I'm not shunning anyone just so a satanic cult can get its jollies controlling people.

  • Carmel

    Are DF'd and Da'd dubbies considered enemies of the faithful? If so the bible commands the Christian to "love thy enemy"! Does that mean shunning is really a form of dubby love?

    carmel of the "still asking damable questions" class

  • GermanXJW

    I remember a story on the good ol' h20. A DFed board member had been phoned by another DFed person who sought reinstatement that he would no longer talk to him.


  • Sassy

    well you know that in order to EVER get back in favor. you must got through a life of hell and humiliation and NO friends..

    so.. if you are associating with another df'd one.. they won't let you back in..

    hell.. do you think you can have a life w/o them?

  • jillbedford

    And I thought Jesus died for the redemption of all our souls, no matter what mistakes we made, he welcomed us with open heart, open minds and open arms.

    Ooops! How silly of me! We are to shun those we do not meet our standards and make them fix their own vehicles late at night, and walk to the KH in sub-freezing weather!

    Thank God! I am free at last!

  • Sunspot
    Are DF'd and Da'd dubbies considered enemies of the faithful? If so the bible commands the Christian to "love thy enemy"! Does that mean shunning is really a form of dubby love?

    Here we go again with the "dog chasing its tail" logic. Shunning IS (supposed to be) *their* form of love: by making the sinner feel repentant and desire to return to the fold. Therefore the brother's life has been saved.

    This is so flawed. Three year olds are given "time out" to reflect on their misbehaviors. They want to come "out" in order to be an active member of the household. It's human nature.

    The WTS depends on this nature to make the sinners see the error of their ways---the big difference being that now we are dealing with adults, and the impact of this behavior towards them takes on different dynamics.

    So, here we have this form of "love", which is cruel and rips families apart, as opposed to drawing people back. The WTS views it as "keeping the congregation clean", which is a whole new angle, isn't it.

    We also have those that have been either DFed or have left voluntarily....who have discovered the underbelly of the WTS...and the WTS wants to make damn sure that they won't "spill the beans" to trusting JWs, so they have THAT to contend with.

    So which IS it? WHO is the WTS aiming to benefit, themselves or the "lost sheep" that are being ignored?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    The whole crazy thing about DF'ing that kills me is that: while JW's will not sit on a death penalty jury because they don't consider themselves worthy enough to judge whether one should be kept alive or put to death, they still consider themselves worthy enough to judge another of their own, feeling competant enough to judge whether one is repentant, according to God's standards, for salvation or not. Shrug. Go figure. Even though they are imperfect, they believe they have the power to judge whether another person's worthy enough for God's grace. Did that make any sense? I'm tired this morning.. but it just seemed like a glaring hypocrisy.


    P.S. Edited to add: I remember, as a child, the serious impact that DFing had on the congregation, and the DF'd person. They were like the Devil to us. Now, after all these years, it's hard for me to re-understand the impact of it on people's lives since I have been out so long and believe that we are all equal beings in God's eyes, and none of us have the right to downgrade another human being because we are as weak, strong, loving, compassionate, hateful, jealous, etc. as they are.

  • Flash
    Yup - it is very a very odd rule....''Don't talk to a disfellowshipped JW in case he alters your beliefs. Likewise, don't talk to ex-jws in case they inspire you to leave.''


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