Wanderlustguy and his addiction to JWD - admitting he has a problem

by wanderlustguy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • itsallgoodnow

    I used to have that same problem, too! This is the first message board I ever started using regularly and I think it got me addicted to message boards. I thought I was getting better, I can even skip looking at this board for several days at a time now with no trouble, though I've really only replaced one addiction for another. Now a sports related forum has been taking most of my time... it's hopeless.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Wanderlustguy, Welcome to JWDAA - JWD Addicts Annonomous.

    I'm Brenda and I'm a JWD addict. I just recently realized it. I have no one to blame except having been a JW. I started my own related thread a couple weeks ago.


    Admission is the first step. You're in grand company! Enjoy the addiction why you still can. I do!

    Hugs, Brenda.

    PS hava cuppa (_)>

  • BrendaCloutier

    WLG, at least you are aware early on. I was a Jedi Master before I became aware of my addiction.

  • Dragonlady76

    <-------------------Love's to toss Fire Balls at trolls.

    Hello my name is Dragonlady76, I am a JWD addict!<---------------- There I said it.

  • prophecor

    Hi Dragonlady76, Keep Coming Back!!! It Works As Good As Booze, But Better!!!

  • Odrade

    Hahahaha! This is great... yeah, I'm a JWD addict, but it didn't start there. I'm a discussion board addict. I can while away half a day on hobby related DBs. I own two tiny little boards, and admin a not so tiny one currently. (two hobby, one work-related.)

    Last year for xmas, hubby bought me a laptop so I can be in the same room with him and still do my computer stuff. For awhile I was holed up in our home office for hours on end, and he'd not see me for entire evenings. LOL!

  • minimus

    Hello. My name is Minimus. I am a JWD addict.

  • candidlynuts

    i'm not addicted..i'm just here for the cake and punch.

  • BrendaCloutier

    It Works As Good As Booze, But Better!!!
    Yeah, and no hangovers! But the cravings can be horrid until I get a fix. Oh no! MINIMUS, You too? I never wouldda thunk it.

  • prophecor

    I'm going for coffee, anybody else?

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