Clean Break!

by New Worldly Translation 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I've decided to DA myself formally by writing a letter to my old cong. I feel I need to leave my old life behind and forge a new one, which I don't feel I've been able to do since I left 3 years ago. There has always been a hope in my family and JW's I was friends with that I would go back at some point. When I visited my parents they sometimes would invite JW's round at the same time and while it wasn't particularly unpleasant I knew the motive was to talk me round. My mother is also in the habit of sending emails about the Truth, Armageddon etc and dropping hints about various girls in the cong asking about me. I'm not too bothered about being shunned by JW's as I don't really want any contact with them anyway. In my family I only really talk to my parents, brother and grandma who say they will never shun me anyway. I need to make my decision final. If there's any dubs monitoring this site here I am; I'M AN APOSTATE!

    Aha, it's a poor pic of me - Asa from Leeds (anyone know me?)

  • bikerchic

    Well congrats on your new statis! Feels great to be free doesn't it!

    Hummm I have seen that red X somewhere before......... sorry I can't place where?


  • AlmostAtheist

    Congrats, NWT! It's a much more comfortable existence to not have to hide what you are or what you believe.

    (Your pic needs to be on the web for us to see it. It's showing up as a red "x", like the image isn't found. There are free hosting places that will host it for you. I think Simon has a link to one at the bottom of the forum pages.)


  • mtbatoon

    Well done and congratulations. Happy forging.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Good to hear my brother. I disassociated not long ago and its been amazingly liberating.. ahhhh.

  • HadEnuf

    While I applaud your decision to put the final stamp on an era of your sure that you really are ready to be shunned. My mom told me she would never, EVER shun me no matter what I did. She's been shunning me for the past 3 years and I am neither DF'd or DA'd. So please count the cost in family relationships that may be shattered. Elder's can exert a lot of pressure on those still "in" to shun those who choose to leave.

    Just my two cents...I wish you the best!!

    Cathy L.

  • IP_SEC

    You got bawls man. I respect that. Good luck to you. You gonna share your letter with us?

  • Dragonlady76

    Be careful, your family may turn on you when the elders show up with a copy of your DA letter. The truth is the elders will try to exert control on your families contact with you. Good Luck!


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation
    Hummm I have seen that red X somewhere before......... sorry I can't place where?

    Haha.. yeah that's my alter-ego Mr Broken Link. Lets see if this works-

    As regards my DA letter, well there's not much in it really. I thought about explaining why I was DAing and incidents that led me to leave and some of the pain being a JW has caused in my life. In the end though I just explained that I no longer wanted to be known as a JW and that I would like to DA myself from the org. I figured that it didn't really help me explaining myself to them and I don't suppose they really care that much either.

    If the shunning part of the deal gets unbearable I suppose I'll go travelling for a year or so and figure out my plans when I get back. I've always wanted to do that and it might be the kick up the bum I needed. I'd rather it didn't come to that though.

  • Valis
    I suppose I'll go travelling for a year or so and figure out my plans when I get back.

    That is a great idea! So many things and ideas to explore if you have the chance ya just go and make your own way out in the worldly world of the world..Welcome to the Apostacy...


    District Overbeer

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