Has anyone ever had an experience with ghosts or spirits?

by cindykp 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    Yes, I've seen ghosts... animal and human. I've felt them when not seen. But never lived with any, except chicken ghosts. House I owned was built over the site of a chicken coop. Occasionally we would see a chicken - different colored ones, we counted 5 different ones - run into the shadows, or hear a chicken clucking or sqwaking.

    Sounds like you had a combo of things happening, Cindy. You had a poltergeist pulling your leg, and you may have had a neighbor with a remote control that had the same signal as some of your electronics, even the toy car, or other radio waves. A friend had problems with their garage door opening and closing. They finally figured out that it was on days that the flight path was directly overhead and it was some radio wave frequency from the planes.

    There are logical explanations and there, there are experiences, like my chicken ghosts, seen and heard by several people at the same time, that defy logic. At least they didn't attack.

  • Elsewhere

    There have been a few times when I encountered a few too many spirits.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Else, didn't those spirits attack you and break your foot?

  • Elsewhere


    Nope! I can honestly say I was as sober as can be when satan pushed me down those stairs!

  • wednesday

    As a JWS I did have encounters with the spirit world. Some things have happened to my hubby and I at the same time. It may have been the house, b/c a number of things happened at that house. One in particular, my hubby and I were both in the bathroom , he shaving, me showering. I had stepped out from the shower and was toweling off. I looked up and saw a cloud of smoke in our bedroom and it was headed toward the window and went through the window. I just was almost paralyzed with fear and said something along the lines of "do u see that?" to which he replied he had.

    Since leaving the org. and not obsessing about this stuff, I find I have less problems and others than a few minor things which I may be able to attribute to sleep paralysis, I don't think I've had an encounter in a while.

  • cindykp

    I'll go dig for the pic, I know I still have it somewhere!

  • exjwshell

    I have to say that for many years I was VERY scared of spirits, especially with all the demon hoopla...For quite a while I even doubted that they existed...after all, wasn't just the 144,000 that went to heaven and what would any of them want with me?... But over the years I've had several "ghostly" or "spiritual" experiences that have changed my outlook and I've learned that it's really not a creepy thing...

    The biggest thing that changed my outlook has to be back in 2001 when my brother (my half-brother, actually who was 10 years younger than me) was very ill and eventually died of brain cancer at age 23. While he was well he used to always tease me that when he died he would come back and write messages to me on the bathroom mirror....to prove that there was life beyond earth (he was NEVER a jw)..ok...that totally creeped me out and he knew it!

    He never did do it...Thank God!! but he has communicated with me several times. His voice just pops into my head every once in a while and talks to me...especially when I'm sad or depressed or whatever. He also was a bit of a coin collector...he kept old pennies, dimes, etc. I find dimes EVERYWHERE...in my van, on the floor, even once while cleaning weeds out of my sidewalk cracks one day - a dime popped out of nowhere...it's weird...I'll bet I find 5 to 10 a week.

    Some people believe me...some don't. That's ok, either way cause I know WITHOUT A DOUBT that its him.

    There have been many other experiences that my family has had...to many to even recall. It's so much more comforting to think that when you die your spirit lives on...rather then just rot away in the ground.

    I've often thought about some of my family's, older, jw friends that have died. They had to have been so shocked to realize they were in heaven!

    :) Just my two cents...

    Love, Shell

  • czarofmischief

    When we first moved in to this apartment, something walked through the place - or so it seemed. Things fell down in rapid succession in a straight line - my guitar fell off the chair, then the baby gate fell over, then a picture fell off the wall and then some dishes in the kitchen crashed - and that was by the back door. I was scared poo-less, I kid you not. The dog was not happy about it either - it was growling and howling at empty places in the room.

    I've also been nearly asleep (this is subjective, of course) and seen a woman standing by the bed. When I saw her, she seemed surprised that I could see her, and then she disappeared. She was in grey robes that seemed to wave in the breeze, although of course I live inside an apartment and there are few breezes in here (although more than I would like, drafty old place)...

    I don't think this place is evilly haunted, but something is here.


  • the_classicist

    I suppose I have experienced some wierd s*#&, but it could all be explained scientifically and logically, I suppose. I usuallydon't get scared easily by real things (like murderers or that kind of thing), but only by unreal stuff (zombies, etc.).

    I've also been nearly asleep (this is subjective, of course) and seen a woman standing by the bed. When I saw her, she seemed surprised that I could see her, and then she disappeared. She was in grey robes that seemed to wave in the breeze, although of course I live inside an apartment and there are few breezes in here (although more than I would like, drafty old place)...

    They say that its relatively common to have hallucinations just before or after sleep... that's what it could be. I remember that one time I was trying to fall asleep I heard someone speaking my name, clear as day. I also remember just before waking up fully one day that I could hear that violin line from Hip Hop, Be Bop clearly and loudly too.

    Another time I got an extremely strong "premonition" (I suppose it could be called that) that my grandfather would die (even though I knew nothing of his condition). And lo and behold, he died that night. And one time I remember smelling his cologne after he had died, I though that was quite strange as it was rather unique.

    I also used to hear rather strange sounds around my house (like someone walking upstairs w/no one else home).I've also "experienced" other things, with witnesses, that confirm by belief in evil, but I don't feel like sharing it. I did get a St. Benedict medal that is inscriped thus:

    On the front of the medal we find St. Benedict holding a Cross in one hand, and the Rule of St. Benedict in the other. At his sides are the words "Crux S. Patris Benedicti" ("The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict"), and below his feet: "Ex S M Casino MDCCCLXXX" ("From the holy mount of Casino, 1880"). On that date, Monte Cassino was given the exclusive right to produce this medal, and special Jubilee indulgences were added. Still on this front side of the medal we find inscribed in a circle the words:

    "Ejus in obitu nostro presentia muniamur" ("May his presence protect us in our hour of death").

    The reverse side of the medal is where the real exorcistic force reveals itself. In the center is a Cross. The Cross, which St. Benedict so loved and often used as a powerful exorcism. The vertical beam of the Cross bears the letters C.S.S.M.L., and the horizontal beam, the letters N.D.S.M.D. These are the first letters of the words:

    CRUX SACRA SIT MIHI LUX, May the Holy Cross be a light unto me,
    NON DRACO SIT MIHI DUX. And may the Dragon never be my guide.

    The four large letters at the corners of the Cross, C S P B, stand for CRUX SANCTI PATRIS BENEDICTI: The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict.

    We are not through yet. In addition to the "Pax" ("peace") motto at the top, we find the following letters in a circle around the margin of this side: V.R.S.N.S.M.V.: S.M.Q.L.I.V.B. It almost looks masonic; except, of course, the Benedictines are quite willing to tell you what the letters stand for, and they are enough to make any secret society get the shakes:

    Get behind me, Satan; Never suggest vain thoughts to me.

    The cup you offer is evil;

    Drink the poison yourself!

  • BrendaCloutier

    I was at a wedding about 12 years ago. It was a native american ceremony in an old hall on the 2nd floor of an old building on Pill Hill in Seattle. It was a holy man and chief marrying a Swiss woman. The man conducting the ceremony was another holyman and chief.

    All windows were open as it was a nice spring day. As the ceremony began, each window, one by one, one after the next, closed. Untill they were all closed. Then each door, one by one, one after the next, all opened. Just as simple as that. The holyman doing the ceremony made an extra effort the welcome the unscene guests and at that point, did a pipe ceremony to honour these guests. It wasn't scary, it just was.

    I've had pleanty of other experiences, but this one was way kewl.

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