Am I a bad person to ask Why?

by rockhound 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rockhound


    If a shark takes bite out of my leg, I could take a passive view about it and say "Hey!!! whats the big deal?, that wasn't so bad, nothing to make a fuss about, but when that same shark tears my whole leg off, and never even says "I'm sorry, thats when I have cause to get upset. A man once said " What luck for the rulers that men do not think". The point of my post was that I like so many others had just jumped on the band wagon with everyone else, and the rest is history. If doing so was the wise thing to do, each of us will have to say for themselves. I personally feel like Judge Judy when she said "Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining". Some, on the other hand don't mind getting their leg wet.


  • FDS

    "FDS......(I'd love to know what that stands for!)"

    If I told you, I would have to kill you ;-)

    "For those of us that lived through "1975" took it VERY seriously. We WERE led to believe that "God's ONLY channel of communication on the earth" had said so, despite the claims to the contrary today."

    Sure so did 1925! Please tell me that you never knew about the past failures? You ignored these past dates when it did not affect you personally right? You did not seem to get a hoot when preaching to others about taking in no blood even at the risk of one's child! So again, 1975 is a big deal? God's organization said so? You need to take some blame for your actions, it was you who joined the organization not the other way around.

    "Funny.....I thought it was the bible that spoke about false prophets. And no, it doesn't make what any other religion teaches "the truth" in that sense---it just makes the WTS lumped in with all the rest. I just don't recall any of the mainstream religions teaching that the END would come in 1975, or any other dates either. Do you?"

    The bible can be anything your little heart desires. Want a Trinity? One God in three persons? Sure. Want a spirit creature? A mode of the great God? No problem. Dates? Let me me candid, ask any Christian how long he thinks until "Jesus" returns. Some have provided DATES even some recently so the Watchtower is not unique here.

    You mention the BIBLE, like that mattered when you were a Witness? You did not see any dates while being a Witness did you? Are you saying it took an act of "God" for you to know no dates are in the Bible? The TRINITY is also not in the bible right? I mean you certainly could not come up with "Trinity" unless someone ELSE showed you text that seemed to support such an idea. Are we really to believe that somehow one God exists in three persons? That makes sense? No, you would need an act of something to believe that and I believe it's the same something that caused ones to believe in DATES.

    "SOME false statements????? If the WTS really and undeniably WAS getting their "food from God" and dispensing it---WHY did they MAKE so many "mistakes" at any time? EVER?

    Either the WTS/FDS/GB wasn't listening very well (or are top-notch deliberate deceivers), or God wasn't correct all those times and in all those faulty doctrines. Which is it?"

    What does it MATTER what they claimed? If there is no "God" then their claims amount up to any other claims inlcuding whether one gets their view from the Bible or not. "Jesus is coming back brothers!" Lookie here in the Bible, it is so clear."

    I did not say that the Watchtower as a GROUP has not praticed lies. They must for the better of the flock. One does not have to AGREE with it but believe it or not there are some JWs who no matter WHAT will listen to the organization, JUST LIKE YOU DID. Better ask yourself this, "What am I doing to help those I personally mislead into the organization"?


  • FDS

    Hello Rock,

    I hope you did not spend 40 years quoting everyone else while going door to door! Ah that's right you did ;-).

    You are saying that those back in the sixties who gave their lives over no organ transplants did not change your thinking like "Stay Alive till 75" did? Why? Were you disappointed? Tell me, do you ever look into the mirror and wonder how many of those you personally lead to the organization have let themselves of their children DIE because the organization said so? Is that personal enough for you?

    So sit here on a WWW site and tell the world how many wasted years you had as one of Jehovah's servants, whos fault was that Rock? You might have not had any sharks but perhaps thousands of gupies nipping at your heels to have got some idea that something was wrong.


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    rock ...

    its the question i think we all ask ourselves at one point or another. how could i be so !%*&in' stupid for those years!? it just goes to show the power of a super-controlling cult that preaches eternal life on a paradise earth where everyone smiles all the time and carries fruit baskets around. And as a kid, i thought it would be really cool to frolic with Lions and Tigers. As an adult i realize that big cats are designed for killing stuff ... and will never, EVER, get through their days munching grass.

    we were all stupid. hopeful though, almost desperately so ... that no matter how improbable it all seemed ....

    that all world governments would crumble and all religions were doomed to death when god wipes out everyone on the planet (except us) ...

    all the wise thinkers on the planet were doomed too, because with all their book 'learnin' ... they were too dumb to be JWs ...

    we held on to the notion, "Wouldn't it be wonderful!" Plus ... everyone else believed it. People we looked up to. So there. That was it. Don't feel bad Rock ... at least you woke up.

    And FDS ....

    what's up with you? You seem a little bitter and angry. Instead of asking Rock what he's done to make up for all those he innocently lured into dubdom, why don't you tell us what you're doing ... beside saying we should have known that is?


  • JustTickledPink

    I loved the article. I think in my case being raised as a JW, I was trained to be a good little JW and if I didn't conform we got spankings in the hall for acting out, talked to by the elders, counseled, all sorts of correction all the dam*n time. Now yes you can question, but for a lot of JWs it means their whole family, their whole livelihood (when in business with other JWs) and it can be tough to say "hey these questions might change my entire world"

    It takes a lot of guts to leave. So if it took 40 years or 40 days, it doesn't matter, you are out. That is the point. You came around.

    Life moves forward, just remember that. Don't dwell too long on the "what ifs" in the past.... start planning the "what ifs" in the future. What if I got on a train and visited NYC, or what if I went to the wine country of California, what if I went scuba diving in Cozumel. Just start DOING!

    FDS - you must have a bug up your a** because you're awfully cranky. Sending you come calm down juju.

  • confusedjw

    It makes us all want to bury our faces in our hands and just ask "Why"

    Don't feel alone. Thank goodness for the internet so I was only in for 20 years.

    Nice article. Thanks.

  • gypsywildone

    Sure so did 1925! Please tell me that you never knew about the past failures? You ignored these past dates when it did not affect you personally right? You did not seem to get a hoot when preaching to others about taking in no blood even at the risk of one's child! So again, 1975 is a big deal? God's organization said so? You need to take some blame for your actions, it was you who joined the organization not the other way around.

    FDS-How, at that time, did you think anyone was aware of what was hidden by the jws? No internet existed. Not even Crisis of Conscience existed. So how would you expect unsuspecting new converts being love bombed to be aware of any of that? Many were not even alive in 1925 during 1975.

  • what_Truth?

    great thought, but the experiment left out one important point in regards to the witnesses. What was the consequence in NOT comforming? To me that is the primary difference between a cult and a strict fundamentalist religion.

    For instance, my wife is a United Pennicostal. Although they have MUCH stricter standards than the Jehovah's Witnesses do the consequences for breaking or ignoring those standards are no where near as severe. In most cases they're almost non-existant. When my wife got pregnant with our firstborn out of wedlock nobody shunned her. Her pastor didn't make a "sheparding call" when he saw us drinking at a resturaunt. Although their church has service 5 days a week nobody harasses her if she doesn't show up. A high control group requests your obedience. A cult demands it.

  • FDS

    Why am I the bad guy? So I pointed out the truth? Certainly Rock did not care for 40 years about decieving others did he? Now it is whos fault is that? I just think folks need to take *some* blame for the choices they make in life. Do you hear anyone saying they are sorry for bringing anyone to the Watchtower? No it's all about them and them only, it's the poor me story all over the net. No one held a gun to your head to stay in the Kingdom hall regardless of what happens when one leaves. I think it silly to say that something so un-personal as a DATE instead of a child being killed in the name of an organization is not "reasonable". Don't think that sounds very "nice"? tough.

    What am I doing? I go to Kingdom hall looking for "fallouts" to HELP OUT. It's what I do, I make a valid effort to try to recure those in need but I will not sit here and cry about spilt milk and expect other Ex Jws to boo hoo my life story....


  • FDS


    Sure so did 1925! Please tell me that you never knew about the past failures? You ignored these past dates when it did not affect you personally right? You did not seem to get a hoot when preaching to others about taking in no blood even at the risk of one's child! So again, 1975 is a big deal? God's organization said so? You need to take some blame for your actions, it was you who joined the organization not the other way around.

    FDS-How, at that time, did you think anyone was aware of what was hidden by the jws? No internet existed. Not even Crisis of Conscience existed. So how would you expect unsuspecting new converts being love bombed to be aware of any of that? Many were not even alive in 1925 during 1975."

    Every person is different but if someone tried to sit down with you and show you these things while you were on fire for the organization would you have listened? As for dates, that is EASY, anyone could have read up on the Watchtower prior to joining. Kingdom of the cults comes to MIND and that has been out long. Specifically one could even gets hints of this in the Watchtower and their books but if one really took the time to check into all this then maybe just maybe they would have not joined but I know a few right now who already are showing the JW mind-set and they are not baptized. Truth is an active JW does not let old light bother him much, there are countless thousands who went through 75 yet "wait upon Jehovah" to clear matters up (they will be waiting a long time). I believe every witness has "heard" of past failures unless you were not one to knock on many doors.... FDS

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