The pope

by Stromboli 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston

    I'm not too crazy about the pope, however, didn't this guy stand up for the Jews when the Nazis invaded Poland (pephuga's symbolic reference to "hitler had a gun to his temple"). I can't think of another pope from history who did more to create more communion with a more diverese array of religions than he has (precisely the reason why the society felt they could push him down with such ease). Hey, I don't think the WT had any way of bashing him when he verbally potested the invasion of Iraq. You have to give him credit for something once you see through the insane ramblings (calling gay relationships evil and comparing abortion to the holocaust). It's like the mother teresa thread a while back, you have to look at someone's life in context. I'd rather try to look at a person as they really were rather than someone else's caricature.

    - Preston

  • proplog2

    I have a lot of respect for the Pope. He knew that the war in Iraq was unjust. He approves the teaching of evolution. He speaks out against the death penalty.

  • jeanniebeanz

    I think the Pope is an honorable man who has fulfilled his post to the best of his abilities. I also understand the security measures that must be followed for his protection. This man has a lot of followers who view him as holy. He has started no wars and has worked to bring people together and hold to the ideals of his faith.

    Why would anyone start a thread to vilify such a man just because they do not understand or agree with him? Seems to just be a way to piss off our Catholic members.


  • PopeOfEruke

    Bless you all, my children!

    I hope to be able to once again kiss your collective rings in the near future.

    The Pope

  • jeanniebeanz



  • proplog2


    Hating Catholics and making fun of the pope is a bad old protestant JW habit.

  • Stromboli
    Since you are capable (and willing) to shout harder then I do

    They don't call me Stromboli for nothing.....

    Country_Woman: I pray that the sun will rise again tomorrow regardless of you posting here or not....... BTW hipocrisy is not civil...

    Thanks fleaman uk last......


    Seems to just be a way to piss off our Catholic members.

    That it madam!!! that's why I started this post!!!!

    catholics come here to speat on JWs and I don't like it because much worst happens in their religion, but look how people have reacted to the vilification of the pope...... vilify JWs as much as you want but don't touch the pope of which we know nothing about........but we respect him because he is not a bad guy and has many followers and he is old (the latter is the best as this way you even take away from him the dignity of being able to be vile)....LOL

    Some go the great length to say some havy stuff on JWs and advocate right after for catholicism impicitly or explicitly.

    I'm just exposing the hipocrisy of some members for whoever is willing to see it.....(many allready know .. you guy were the ones that didn't and I was kind of hopping that...)

    Yes I know a bit forceful but hey...... I am sure you respectful people will forgive me ......

  • Kenneson


    I'm a Catholic and I'm not pissed at you. Should I be?

  • Pole

    Since I'm not a catholic, I don't feel obliged to have an opinion on the pope's achievements as a pope.

    But he has had an interesting life as a man. He wrote good papers in pedagogy. He was a fairly good actor/playwright. And he definitely is a charismatic figure and much different from many of his predecessors.



    I'm really not sure what was this argument about "kissing the Stalin's and Hitler's asses" supposed to mean? Could you elaborate on it?


  • Stromboli

    Pole: I could answer but pepheuga wrote it so you should ask him or you could research it yourself.....

    Pole mussolini made trains come on time do you like him too??

    Kenneson why would you be pissed at me? I've being coherent I spat on both....

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