Did the "Watchtower" Originate In the Occult?

by metatron 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Take a look at:


    At one time, no one had any particular set of mental associations with the word "Watchtower" - no one, except occultists!

    At the turn of the century, there was a highly influencial occult group called the "Golden Dawn". They liked Egyptian

    religious symbols and brought back a system of mystical practise called "Enochian magic". This system emphasized

    a set of magic spells called "Opening the Watchtower" and prominently used the Tetragrammaton in this incantation.

    Some of you have wondered about C.T. Russell's association with the Masons but I think you need to look a little

    deeper. Russell picked up a huge amount of occult symbols and esoterica and built his 'Society' around them.

    He had pyramids and "pyramidology". He practised "phrenology". The organization came to use terms like "Theocratic

    Unity" and the "Golden Age" - which already were associated with pagan/occultist practice. Russell liked the 'winged

    globe' as a symbol - and , of course, he choose the term "Watchtower" to identify his group - a capitalized term that

    was made prominent by occultists around the end of the 19th century.

    There's more here than could be explained by simple coincidence, I think. If you believe in 'archetypes', or anything

    psychic, there are some spooky aspects of this religion's origin.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    great info met:

    " there are some spooky aspects of this religion's origin. "

    Not to mention it was around the time that Satan was kicked out of heaven to reek havoc on the earth LOL

    thanks for posting that


  • LittleToe

    I agree.
    All those subjects were the centre of fascination at the time.

    Given that "occult" means "hidden wisdom", you've got to wonder just how "spooky" those subjects are. There's a lot of superstition about the word, but precious few people think of things like a daily horoscope, with that term in mind...

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...well lets just get out our OUJIA boards and find out....

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    Given that "occult" means "hidden wisdom",

    isn't that what the GB supposedly dispenses? hidden meanings that regular JWs could never figure out on their own. NO WONDER!

    Such pagan ROOTS.


  • truth_about_the_truth

    The more I look into this kinda stuff, the more I have the tendency to think that this religion and all other religions as well were put in place to deliberately mislead the masses and function as a diversion to prevent ppl from finding out what's really going on in the world.

  • LittleToe

    I wonder what's really going on in the world??

    If only someone could dispense real truth, for us...

  • LittleToe

    I suspect that's how they started, looking at Russell's early work.
    Unfortunately they then took it as a license for control.

    I'm still fairly convinced that Russell started out genuine enough, albeit a brash young man.

    Frank:Good point. The Ouija is one thing I have no desire to play with.

  • BrendaCloutier
    Good point. The Ouija is one thing I have no desire to play with.

    Same here, and I don't quite know why. I have had some awesome mystical experiences including out-of-body and astro-travel. But the Ouija board scares me. Hmmm. JWism? Or justified fear?

  • sf




    Great WatchTower of the South:


    I came across lots of this stuff years ago in my searches of the tower. The thread is buried somewhere.

    Happy trails again!


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