CoC and Search of Christian Freedom came yesterday in the mail

by ithinkisee 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    Reading those books will put a new meaning to the phrase "and the Truth will set you free!"

  • Honesty
    I'll be starting CoC tomorrow ...

    And the truth shall set you free.

  • Jodo

    If you ask at the library and pay £1 (or there abouts) they will order it in for you. Just remember though that they will need to contact you when it arrives so give them your work number if you don't want someone at home to know what you ordered. And remember to renew it on time or you'll get a reminder listing the name of the book through your door. It only took a few days when I did this.

  • Kendal

    Thanks for the replies everyone...

    So if I either go into the local library or a bookstore and they haven't got the item, they will order it in for me if I give them the ISBN number??

  • seattleniceguy

    Actually, you don't even need the ISBN at most places. The title and author are sufficient. But the ISBN doesn't hurt, of course.


  • Goldminer

    I purchased CoC in the fall of '99 when my wife went away to school.I then brought it to work to read on nightshift.I also used a highliter to highlight some parts I didn't want to forget.I have never wanted to become an active witness again since I've read the book.

    I now wish I had pruchased ISOCF at the same time.I really want to read it now and it's proving a real challenge to get it without the wife finding out.

    Anyways,you will definitely find CoC very enlightening.I've used a lot of Ray's reasoning with jw's to make them think,don't know if they're getting it though.

  • ithinkisee

    Big Dog said:

    ithinkisee, though I left long before I knew anything about those books, or maybe even before they existed, they were still important in once and for all putting any possible lingering doubts or ghosts to rest. To bastardize the Phantom of the Opera, Open up your mind, and let your doubts unwind.

    Actually I am the same way. I can confidently say I am 100% convinced already the Org is complete BS. I just feel that the books will "seal the deal" so to speak. I actually cut out of work 90 minutes early today and went to the park and read the first three chapters of CoC. I was happy to see that the book was updated in 2004. He has lots of very current numbers and stats in the book from the last 5 years. That was a nice surprise for me. The information is so fresh. This forum really has helped build my own confidence and self-esteem in that the doubts I have been having for two decades weren't wrong - and Crisis Of Conscience is going to just help make me stronger. Thanks again everyone.

    I then brought it to work to read on nightshift.I also used a highliter to highlight some parts I didn't want to forget.

    Good idea there. If we can do it with Watchtowers. . . -ithinkisee

  • willyloman

    It is seldom mentioned, but one of the many great things about Ray's book is the title, itself. He had a crisis of conscience. In other words, his conscience would no longer permit him to keep on doing what he was doing so he HAD to quit.

    That describes my own journey out of the org. I was really "wired" for many years, elder, special assignments, talks and parts at conventions and assemblies -- where I usually sat in the glass enclosed private rooms on the upper tiers with my "administration" badge on my lapel, sipping gourmet coffee and sending out for "real" food instead of hoagies and burritos from food service (you just had to be on a "special diet" and no one gave it a second thought -- they were going out for lunch anyway).

    I got to the point I couldn't give a 10 minute part of the service meeting without altering the material to eliminate the bullsh%@. That's when I realized my conscience was telling me to take a hike.

    This is why the WTS just HATES Ray, and loathes his book. He makes it clear that the truly conscientious ones are those who leave. Think about all the posters on this forum we've gotten to know who left, not because of pride, arrogance, or immorality, but because their CONSCIENCE drove them out of the Watchtower. We're called apostates, but the real apostates are back in Bethyl, running the show, and in the congregations, taking orders and passing out the intellectual Kool Aid.

  • Quotes

    I feel like I'm smuggling drugs or something.

    Been, there, felt that. I even went so far as to hide them within the door panels of my vehicle.

    Prepare to feel ill, then upset, then ill some more, then angry, then relieved.

    ~Quotes, of the "Amazon Shopper" class

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i allways have stuff mailed to my job. either in the company name with attn. my name printed on the bottom. or use my name C/O the co. name and address. (in care of) . the office is always happy to give me my mail. it's a good way to order coc without family knowing about it. and it don't cost you the fee's for a postal box. john

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