The Myth of Unconditional Love

by frankiespeakin 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JustTickledPink

    Unconditional love I believe is real, alive, and well.

    The key is learning to GIVE it out. Measuring unconditional love by how much you can dish out, instead of "no one loves me" unconditionally. We have all been there, we have all been treated unfairly or had some sad poor story of being rejected by parents, friends, etc.... So yes, you can walk around and believe it doesn't exist, OR, you can choose to be the person that loves unconditionally. Measuring unconditional love actually by your own heart's capability of loving others.

    Coming from a judgemental religion I still find myself judging people when I don't want to. Love is an action, you have to exercise it every day. It's not a blanket statement. It's renewable. Like you need to drink water every day, eat every day, exercise, breathe, you need to love every day. If you give it out, trust me people will respond to you in the same manner and you will find it.

  • ezekiel3

    Zen: when I came to see that everyone was part of me, I realized that I dont need to love or not love anyone

    James: "Love" can also be used to point to the truth of our Being: the underlying Oneness of all.

    I'll join with this crew.

    A note for XJWs: Conditional love is part of the force feeding we all knew as JWs. It was going beyond this programming that enabled me to unplug. Please consider that unconditional love is not just a feeling or motivation, it is the only thing that is real.

    Our need for ego and separation (mine and yours) keeps unconditional love out of reach. It is fear of loss that makes us run a balance sheet on our relationships - and call that love.

    JWs spit on unconditional love as a sappy feel-good philosophy. Of course they do, because their god is conditional: he gives free-will to make the 'right choice', if not he kills you. JWs serve with the same conditions: they'll preach and sacrifice their children for everlasting life.

    If love is only playing favorites with those who benefit you or inflate your sense of self because they happen to share your DNA, then I pity you.

    Is "conditional love" programming still a part of your mind-set?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It's not a myth - until I looked into jwism I had never even heard the term - conditions and love are two different concepts.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> I think it is one huge myth

    >> Unconditional love I believe is real, alive, and well.

    Some analytical people see love as an accumulation of "like". The more they like you, the more likely they are to love you. If after they love you, you do things that make them not like you, they will eventually not love you.

    Highly emotional people can't conceive of a future that is different than their present in regard to their relationships. "I love you now, just the way you are, and I will always love you, forever." These are the people that can have their boy/girlfriend's name tattooed on their body.

    I'm not trying to knock either group, and most people are a mix of these. But you can recognize the leaning toward one group or another.

    What I AM trying to say is that the two groups should not EVER discuss this subject if they are in a relationship. The analytical group needs to bite the bullet and say, "I love you too, and I always will," and don't make waves over the existence of unconditional love.

    Word to the wise.

    (At least, that's what I've heard. ;-) )


  • poppers

    To rest in the 'beingness' that lies beneath what is believed to be any 'me' as a separate entity, is to rest in that which which accepts all unconditionally - that is love. This love can be nothing but unconditional, for it is the seeing that there is no separation with anything, that there is only oneness.

  • JustTickledPink

    If you ever get a dog that adores you and follows you around your house, licks your feet, sits on your lap, basically worships you, you will understand the concept of unconditional love. It's just that very simple pure adoration between living beings. It doesn't have to be romantic or have anything to do with family, even people, ... because a dog can just love you for no reason at all.

  • Xena
    So you are saying the "feeling" of parental love is unconditional for your children?

    Yea I think that is what I am saying. Feelings are sometimes hard to articulate...

    If you ever get a dog that adores you and follows you around your house, licks your feet, sits on your lap, basically worships you, you will understand the concept of unconditional love.

    I'm sorry but I find the concept of that in humans to be somewhat creepy. I guess I would perfer someone to love me with a bit more dignity.

  • FMZ

    Xena, so... you mean... you don't want a stalker?


  • Bubbles

    ooopppsss posted under Bubbles...we are sitting here trying to find her a new profile pic. She wants a Japanese charecter....

  • Xena

    thanks for your help with the new avitar for bubbles FMZ

    Now for goodness sakes get a new one for yourself

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