What Annoys You???????

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Women with prams in the shopping centre (mall.) They dawdle around as though they are in an art gallery and then randomly change direction or WORST of all stop dead. No warning just brakes on and just sag. I know women can multitask but apparently not when they are surrounded by shops and a four wheel kneecap machine.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Drivers who are too busy to pay attention to their driving.

    Drivers who don't use their turn signals.

    People who say " I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less"

    Grocery store cart drivers who either a) leave their cart crosswise in a location that makes it totally unaccessable, or b) has to have it with them all the time, and blocks narrow aisles.

    People who constantly interrupt when I'm talking, and won't back off when I call 'em on it.

    Oh, there are others, I just can't think of now ....

  • funkyderek
    ....people in the 10 items or less line with 20 items.

    Also the fact that it's called the "10 items or less" line and not the "10 items or fewer" line. Misplaced apostrophes and unnecessary quotation marks. People who say "irregardless". The Oxford Dictionary for including "irregardless" even though it was coined by illiterates. Now look what you've started, minimus!

  • kwintestal

    To Brooke:


  • Valis

    People who drive and talk on the phone. I am convinced some Highland Park soccer mom beyatch yapping on her cell & driving an obnoxiosly large vehicle will be the death of me some day...


    District Overbeer

  • under74

    Window shoppers and tourists during the Christmas shopping season. DAMMIT, I have places to go and need to get things done--MOVE OUT OF MY WAY.

  • under74

    People totally unaware of history--I have a rommate that had "no idea" there were Spanish explorers in California. Drives me freakin' crazy.

  • PrettyRed

    When people make up words like: conversate.....meaning converse.

    People who ask me what color am I ...its obvious I'm colored thats all you need to know!

  • prophecor

    I would like to take the inventors of the Super Sonic Industrial Strength Mega Wattage Crank it up in Your Face Hear it from Five Blocks Away Banging out My Winows in my House Vehicle Stereo Systems, and have them all placed against the firing wall and sumarilly SHOT!!!

    *arthur from the stop stereophonic auricular assault awareness netwerk*

    Y'all need to stop 'dat 'dere $#!+

  • lisavegas420

    It annoys me when someone emptys all the cubes in the ice cube tray but one...Why leave one cube???? And why not fill the tray back up...huh????

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