Quick Quiz: First with the right answer wins!

by cab1000 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit

    The jw owner of a two door car was considered: WEAK

    Only spiritually weak individuals bought two door cars. The spiritual jw bought 4 door cars so that they could take others out in service and make themselves available to take others to the meetings with them.


  • cab1000

    Thats funny Blondie.

    Around my neck of the woods, if you bought a two door car, as your only car, you were in effect saying to everyone, I never plan to pioneer, ever.


  • rebel8

    Thank you for posting that question. I put a comment on my web site about jws discouraging members from buying 2-door cars, and I got literally a very nasty onslaught from ex-jws claiming I was lying! They said it was never even mentioned.

    Me, I remember it being mentioned in pioneer school and in many a talk in the local congs and assemblies, too. Anyone who owned a 2-door car was brought in the back room and chastized by the elders. Everyone else called them weak and unspiritual and dogged them until they either faded or sold the car. It was a big deal, not something I made up!

  • AlmostAtheist

    Sometimes someone would charitably offer, "It must be their second car". I knew an elder that drove a Fiero. I'm talking about 5 years ago, so the thing was OLD, and it was one of the 4-cylinder deals, so it was essentially a cute Kettle Car. But he loved it.


  • cab1000

    rebel8, No, I can back up your story too...I dont think things have changed either. I dont know why they would say that thats not true! While I never personally heard of anyone being talked to in the back room, I have heard the gossip and slander when someone buys a two door car.

  • TheEdge

    THANKYOU Rebel8, lol - it's so strange how my memory serves different to current JW - that's the beauty of finding this site, I realise I am NOT going mad. Just over a month ago I was told that 1975 was NEVER prophesied by the Society as a significant date (and other stuff too) - it's almost as they have been completely re-programmed......bizarre...

  • orangefatcat

    The witnesses only make those kinds of comments so that the governing body doesn't look stupid. I mean they are infallable you know!!

    I remember the day I bought my pick-up truck and the first thing my dad said to me. I guess that means no one can go out with in the service with you. I said thats right. I don't ask me to loan you or anyone else for that matter to use of my truck. I mean I had just bought it. Tails were wagging at the KH. but it only took one week already other witnesses had the nerve to ask if they could borrow it. I told them no and I was on their hit lists after that. One sister told my sister she didn't like me because she hated my laughter. What a bitch... She was just pissed because I wouldn't let them use my truck.

    It s like your damned if you do or damned if you don't when it comes to witnesses.

    yes they are hypocrites as Blondie mentioned..


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