In Memory of our Dear Friend

by Puternut 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    We have just lost one of our dear brothers.

    This new just came to me today via email. I dedicate this post in memory of my best friend Dave Rapp who is one of us. Though he never posted here, he is one of us. He was a fellow elder in a nearby congregation who came out of the borg due to being silenced by the borg for wanting to expose certain elders who were pedophiles.

    Dave died yesterday at the age of 46 due to cancer. He is the one that contacted me once I was df'd because we were working together on exposing these bastards. Prior to that I had no knowledge of why he was out till later, but still treated him like a friend while he faded.

    I will miss him dearly, he was a hard worker and the kindest man you will ever know. Dave sweetheart, may you now rest in peace, I will continue the fight on your behalf. Farewell my good friend may God keep you safe now.

    I love and miss you dearly,


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Sad News Puternut,

    too young

  • xjw_b12

    Ary. Sorry to see this. Did Dave have any family? 46 is too soon. F#&king Cancer

  • Special K
    Special K

    Sorry for your loss, puternut.

    True friends aren't as easy to find and keep in the J.W. world.

    special K

  • Puternut


    Dave was married for 26 years, but had not children. His wife also faded due to things that happened to her. He died of lung cancer, though never smoked a cigarette or joint in his life. He was a healthy man and died within 2 months after loosing close to 100 lbs. He was a muscular strong man, who was a car mechanic, with a heart of gold.


  • xjw_b12

    puter. Even more tragic. a Hug to you, it's been a shitty couple of weeks.

  • Sassy

    I'm sorry Puternut regarding this friend.. so sad he did all the right things only to be lost now..

    How is his wife holding up?

  • mouthy

    So sorry to hear this news. Cancer is no respecter of persons. I know ...I lost my daughter at 42 yrs of age. I do hope someone will be there to hold up his wife. Even if it is just a hug .

  • BrendaCloutier

    Puternut, I am so sorry for your loss, and the loss of his wife and friends.

    It sounds like he went fast. For this I'm grateful.

    Was he a mechanic so something similar? I had a friend die of lung cancer several years ago who was a machinist, and had quit smoking 12 years earlier. Doc felt it was his job.

    Blessings and love to you and all he left behind.



  • Sunnygal41

    Ahhh, Puter, I am sooo sorry..........this has been such a year of tests for you, friend. At least he went quickly and wasn't subjected to the excruciating pain and loss of dignity for very long. Bren, I have wondered sometimes about long term exposure to chemicals, etc..........I worked in a printing facility for 16 years and daily breathed in the different chemicals they use in printing, etc........and, since I worked in the dark room, I was always putting my hands in some sort of noxious substance...........

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