Why English Food/Beer is better.........Meat Pudding Tales.

by ScoobySnax 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Steak and Kidney meat pudding......

    Beefsteak cubed with Kidney, wrapped in a suet dough with gravy and placed in a pudiing and boiled in a cloth tied at the top for 2-3 hours depending on size (be sure to top up the boiling water) .When done, undo the cloth and slice the pudding. Add English Mustard (not that French crap) salt, pepper, and a dash of Worcester Sauce. Serve with new potatoes and mushy peas. Heaven on Earth.

    To finish a pint or two of Boddingtons Best Bitter www.boddingtons.com (view the ads) A real creamy pint, stick your carbonated lager imitations. OH and Its a bit Gorgeous.

    What more could mortal man possibly want.

    Its not sophisticated like all that Hors D'Ouvere Crap........but it's just good old fashioned fare. I love it. Fantastic.



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Best sandwich I ever had was at the Adam & Eve pub, while downing a pint of good British beer. Never mind the fact that I had to stay seated for a while as that pint was a bit stronger than my delicate American taste was used to.

    For the record though, I'd rather starve than have shepherd's pie.

    To finish a pint or two of Boddingtons Best Bitter

    Give me a Bishop's Finger and it's a date.


  • stevenyc

    I'm an ex-pat and reminisce of the UK food, I remember those days well. Great pub food, real home cooking, roast's with veg, steamed or suet pud's. Warm real ale. I remember them well.

    I'm glad I don't live there any more.
    If only for the food!


  • ScoobySnax

    "Bishops Finger" LOL haven't had that in a while. I used to go to a pub in Rochester Kent, and it served that, belonged to the Society of CAMRA (Campain for Real Ale) it was almost like attending a religious sitting, the blokes in their were so hung up on "Real Ale".......lol. Any yes I managed 4 pints.

    Of course a middle point is Boddingtons, still a creamy pint. View the ads on my link above....Screen Kiss. And we haven't even got onto the meat pudding yet.

    You are NOT Ugly, in a Warthog sort of way........ ha ha


  • the_classicist

    OK the English have pretty good food (there seems to be a niche in Victoria, BC for British food, so I've had some in my time, especially Shepherd's Pie ).

    But we all know that Guinness is the BEST. Or if you prefer microbreweries, Granville Island Pale Ale.

  • IronGland
    OK the English have pretty good food

  • Jez
    OK the English have pretty good food


  • IronGland

    good one, jez.

  • bisous

    well, there were only 2 or 3 things i can say i truly enjoyed when i went to visit Celtic in Cornwall:

    cornish pasty

    fish n' chips

    cream tea

    the meals we prepared ourselves. I was there for 2 weeks so that ain't much.

    sorry but France beats the pants off yer English ....cuisine errmmm.... food.

  • TheEdge
    Add English Mustard

    Colmans of course....?!

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