I've been asked to speak about JW's

by Junction-Guy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    I started talking with my barber about a month ago about JW's and he is a young guy and involved with his church youth group. He has now asked me to come to his church and speak about JW's, I am so excited about this and cant wait. I have alot of preparation work to do beforehand, and Im also gonna try to show some videos to the group. I would also like to pass out some flyers or literature to them to take home and read. Im gonna try to focus more on the emotional/psychological element of this religion.

    My barber actually told me "I want you to tell them just how bad this religion is" I was amazed and my eyes lit up like a little child who was just handed a 5 pound candy bar.

    Most people, including my barber have very little knowledge of JW's and dont realize the emotional impact of this religion on children growing up in it. I will do my best to leave them with an accurate knowledge of JW's and tell them things to say and things to avoid with the witnesses.

    Anybody have any suggestions on which issues to speak about?


  • Valis

    Howdy hoss! Go for it! Hope you are doing well.


    District Overbeer

  • stevenyc


    I take it your DA'd or DF'd because if you aint, your gonna be!


  • Junction-Guy

    Hey Valis, Im doing great. I hope you have another Apostachilifest this year, if May is too soon then at least one later on in the summer. Darin says he wants to go back again too.


  • Goldminer

    Hey Junction Guy,

    Hello from northern Ontario.An important topic you could speak about is love.Use JN 13:34-35 and expand on it.Notice how John said "if you have love among yourselves",he did not say "if you have conditional love-based on your meeting attendance,service hours...-among yourselves".

    Just my thought but I'm sure a lot of people don't know that about jw's and it's important for all to understand this jw concept and all the damage it does,tying in the df'ing stuff in there...you'll the main speaker for weeks to come.

  • Valis

    Awesome man...BTW I will be in Missouri in June I think for trout fishing....maybe you could mosey on down and see us at Bennet Spring


    District Overbeer

  • Dragonlady76

    Try not to foam at the mouth, If I was handed that opportunity I know I would.

  • candidlynuts

    congrats. if it were me, i'd start off by saying theres lots you could tell them to discredit the doctrinal beliefs of jw's.ie: chronology flaws, the way they change beliefs so often etc. but i'd really focus on the lack of love and how it destroys families. that even the courts in russia , after hearing all the arguments to the contrary by the wtbs lawyers have ruled to ban the religion because of its negative influence on families. then maybe morph into the lack of love to the most precious amongst us. our children, how shocking the sexual molestation issue is. they will be familiar with the catholic church being in the news with the same problems and you can tell how the wtbs is unyeilding in its stance and how that protects molesters. that any jw that knocks on their door could very well be a protected sexual predator.

    (can ya tell this is something i've given some thought to? lol)

  • Effervescent

    Congratulations! What an awesome opportunity, it gives me warm fuzzies to think that by your efforts and speaking even one child might be spared the horrible experience of growing up JW! I've always been drawn to the "Letter to JW Parents" that I believe is now in the "Best of..." section. I cried when I read it because it expressed so well all the things I felt growing up as a Witness. Its a lengthy read, but may be worth your time to formulate some ideas to present as to the dangers to the family unit that religion presents. Heres the link if youre interested in that- http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/59590/1.ashx I had my husband (who has never had any exposure to the witnesses, and has never met most of my family) read that letter and it opened his eyes to why I felt so strongly against JWs.

  • Bryan


    That's fantastic! I'm sure you'll do great!


    Have You Seen My Mother

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