I just don't get it

by robhic 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou
    Having something, anything from her past familiar, especially something that has been around in her life a lot like the wt and awake is a GOOD idea for a memory trigger, regardless of how vile.

    Wow! I never knew that. Thanks for sharing avishai, before I read that I would've given completely the wrong advice.

  • robhic

    Wow, I am overwhelmed at all the (different) replies. I can understand the reasoning in each post. I guess there are a few ideas I would never have thought of except the one that placing the literature was just a reflex/habit. I'm not sure it was the elder placing the mags, I've never seen him with any. Probably some of the others. (This hospital is about 5 blocks from the KH...)

    I am also finding it interesting how they treat me. No preaching, pushing beliefs, literature, etc. If I didn't know they were JWs and considered me the devil (or at least one of his henchmen...) the interaction I have with every single one so far has been surprisingly religiously neutral. Except for the prayers the elder feels compelled to say using "Heavenly Father Jehovah," religion and/or JW is nowhere to be found.

    How can they stifle the prosletyzing reflex to a potential "target" but still leave literature that the patient can't see, probably wouldn't understand, can't hold it to read and can't even see that it's in her room (all above suggestions considered)?

    Thanks so much to everyone for their time, information and good wishes. I appreciate it and it's doing as much to help her as the invocations to "Heavenly Father Jehovah..." is helping. I'd like to tell one of them that the next time they pray they'd probably ought to find another god because jehovah ain't doing anything so far. Maybe two weeks and as many trips to the hospital emergency isn't enough for him to consider? Not as important as praying for a parking spot or something...?

    Thanks again to all,



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