AlmostAtheist, Your Answer to PM

by JamesThomas 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse
    Who the heck is Dr.Phil?

    See, that's what you get for living in those Scot backwoods...Dr. Phil is right up there with Oprah and Regis. Geez, get a connect with the real world! LOLOL

    Have you been watching TV too much again, Craig?

    Moi? Never...except for Star Trek reruns from the original series (which I missed because they always aired on meeting nights)

    Btw, who deified Buddha?

    Good question. I had it in my mind that Buddha was effectually considered a god, but my books are all still packed away (after our move), so I don't have access to any info about the "status" of Buddha. Perhaps that was not a good example to use.

    Craig (of the "it's raining [what a surprise!] here in the NW, how about Scotland?" class)

  • LittleToe

    It's Scotland and it's Winter - of course it's raining!

    The first series of Star Trek was definitely the best!

    I know about Oprah. Preston recently accused myself and Sirona of being the Board's Oprahs.

  • JamesThomas

    First thanks to all of you who wished me a happy birthday here on the thread and to bem who PM'd me (Sorry Dorothy, I can not reply back to you via PM).

    CodeBlue, in my view Eckhart's book is one of the very best as far as helpful guidance. It's funny, when we get a glimpse of a more vast and wondrous nature of consciousness from the more contracted sense of before, attempts at speaking about it are very similar. Not to imply that I am a teacher as Eckhart Tolle is. I'm not a teacher; it's more I am just sharing glimpses of what I have discovered when looking under the rock of who we believe ourselves to be. I am not an authority. If what I share sounds crazy to you, then I am but a fool; and if anything I say has a ring of deeper significance to you, then, it is you who are the authority. It is your inner wisdom speaking to you.

    As far as your question CodeBlue about being a Witness: I was raised in it, and after breaking away in my teens, returned in my twenties and was baptized. I was deeply programed and so ignored the uncomfortable feelings I had about the vengeful Jehovah. Then, one night while in a meeting with the elders I was ask to pray out-loud, and to everyones surprise (especially my own) discovered I could not pray anymore to the jehovah I had been taught to trust and believe in. By no means was I the most moral of people, yet it was extremely clear to me that I could and would no longer live a lie. I would not have prayed even had they pointed a gun to my head. After several nights meeting with no prayer uttered from me, I was disfellowshipped (their way of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger). I felt like shit. What was wrong with me? I knew of no other God than the one I just blatantly denied. I was certainly going to die at Armageddon. But I had to admit that death was more acceptable than showing love and respect towards a god I felt neither for.

    Years went by and a hunger to know truth festered and burst, and i began to read everything I could get my hands on, and my believes evolved to no belief at all; but rather just seeing that the only separation or distance from the Divine is in our heads.

    Craig and Ross, I agree with both of you. Non belief in their existence can be an excuse for not examining what they had to say; yet, belief in them can also detour inner investigation as many find the shallow levels of belief -- deep enough. Personally, it no longer matters to me if Jesus or Buddha ever existed. What is important is if there is a more significant truth within us than the fragile broken person we believe ourselves to be right here, right now? Not something to believe in, but rather live.


  • LittleToe
    Not something to believe in, but rather live.

    NOW your talking my language

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • GetBusyLiving

    I really like reading your posts JT but I don't know if its just the [edit] sceptic in me but a part of me just thinks its all just happy-go-lucky-stuff. No concern of an after life.. could it be just all pudding??

    I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything.

  • Sunnygal41

    Fascinating conversation going on here! JT, Happy Birthday and hope you enjoy it! I am on the same wavelength as you...........when I got out of the dubs, I was soooooo empty spiritually that I read and read and, I'm more selective what I read and I have begun to form my own base of beliefs and yet I remain open to what is out there.........I was always an outside the box thinker, now I've allowed that part of myself to flourish and use it as a radar and compass for my own life..........


  • LittleToe

    GetBusy:A word to the wise. Mind the language, dude.
    There are ladies present.

  • bikerchic

    JT your words always amaze me:

    After several nights meeting with no prayer uttered from me, I was disfellowshipped (their way of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger). I felt like shit. What was wrong with me? I knew of no other God than the one I just blatantly denied. I was certainly going to die at Armageddon. But I had to admit that death was more acceptable than showing love and respect towards a god I felt neither for.
    Years went by and a hunger to know truth festered and burst, and i began to read everything I could get my hands on, and my believes evolved to no belief at all; but rather just seeing that the only separation or distance from the Divine is in our heads.

    Wow, what an insight! It's like you have the words for my thoughts. I have all this stuff rambling around in my head my own ideas, conclusions nothing I've read as I've not read all the great things you've read. Just random thoughts, conclusions about my own life and what I see around me, my experiences.......I've always had a hard time putting my thoughts into words and have often times wanted to cram people into my head just so they could maybe understand me or at least let me know I'm not crazy...........but I digress.....

    Thanks as always for the incredible insight James!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Sorry bout the swear guys, wasn't thinking..

  • LittleToe

    S'ok, no harm done. Just a stuffy Brit's personal scruples around da ladies

    James:I have to agree with Kate's comments, albeit in an attempt to attain what you present so many seem to get absorbed by their own ego. The ultimate irony seems to be that in the effort, to let go, we hold onto that which is the greatest illusion...

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