My Favorite Songs of 2004

by Leolaia 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Leolaia

    Every year since 1991 I have been making my own "mix-tape" (since 1998, my own "mix-tape" CD) of my favorite songs of the year. I have just completed my CD for 2004. One of the real pleasures of doing this is finding the right track order to make the styles of the songs flow smoothly from one to another, while keeping some semblance of the chronological progression of the year. I thought it might be interesting to post my list and see if anyone else has their own similar list for the past year:


    1. Broken Social Scene - Cause = Time
    2. Tegan and Sara - Monday, Monday, Monday
    3. Blink 182 - I Miss You
    4. Modest Mouse - Float On
    5. Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
    6. Faithless - Mass Destruction
    7. Simple Kid - Staring at the Sun
    8. Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
    9. Staind - So Far Away
    10. Finger Eleven - One Thing
    11. Feist - Mushaboom
    12. P: Ano - After School Special
    13. The Music - Breakin'
    14. The Bravery - Honest Mistake
    15. Three Days Grace - Hate Everything
    16. Von Bondies - C'mon C'mon
    17. Razorlight - Golden Touch
    18. Muse - Time is Running Out
    19. Gwen Stefani - What Are You Waiting For
    20. Phoenix - Run, Run, Run
    21. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams

    (TOTAL PLAY TIME: 79:58)

    Some of these are overplayed, but I still like them the same. If anyone wants to see a list from another year, let me know....

  • freedom96

    There is some good music out there, but for me, I think the last few years has been really weak on good, solid, talented music.

  • Leolaia

    Yeah I know what you mean, especially major label stuff, which is prolly why I have gotten so much into the Canadian indie music scene. There's some really great stuff to be heard out there, but you need to dig a little. I recommend giving Metric (pictured in my current avatar), Broken Social Scene, Feist, Stars, P:Ano, Hayden, and so forth a listen.

  • frenchbabyface

    the least would be too long (but I'm sure I will forget about most of them before next year) related to Freedom96 said ... most of them miss something that will make them last has very good one.

    BTW it's 3:00 AM here and I'm listening AFRICAN MUSIC (feel like to dance - and probably will)

  • frenchbabyface

    at the moment on the stereo one of my fav : Un gaou (Magic system) still african music ... download it and if you like it buy it ...

  • Badger

    (((Leo))) Very cool, as always...

    4. Modest Mouse - Float On
    I love the musical arrangement on this one.

    5. Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
    YEAH! my son knows this song...the whole album rules...this is the music the Beatles would play if they were still around.

    16. Von Bondies - C'mon C'mon
    Such a catchy hook, and a tough song to play...well executed.

    19. Gwen Stefani - What Are You Waiting For
    A great ska voice. such a fetching warble to it.

    21. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    They do Oasis better than Oasis did.

    My others:
    Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
    This song just whirls by, simple and beautiful

    Ooompf! - Augen Auf
    Another of those German songs that gets me in the mood to kick someone's ass.

    Mike Jones - U Ballin'
    "That boy reckless/come straight outta Texas"

    Trick Daddy, Twista and Lil' Jon - Let's Go
    How many crunk songs sample Black Sabbath? And Twista is by far the fastest rhymer out there.

    Daddy Yankee - Gasolina
    Latin music has arrived, finally, when a song in Spanish with a Notrena bass line makes it.

    Ashlee Simpson - Peices
    Just kidding...

  • Leolaia

    frenchbabyface....That sounds like fun....I should get more into World Music...Is this the kind of African music that Paul Simon got into, or is it different

    Badger....Very fine list. :) Regarding each individual item:

    Modest Mouse: Tho it is overplayed I like this song, but every time I hear it played live it really sounds horrible. The singer seems to be singing off key. Still, the recorded version is catchy and cool.

    Franz Ferdinand: I always thought this song is smokin'

    Green Day: I admire this track more and more, I think it is prolly the best song of the year among those I've heard. I have to say that the first single "American Idiot" really grated on me for some reason, but "Boulevard" is brilliant and has real substance, both lyrically and musically.

    Snow Patrol: Actually, the five or six SP songs I've heard are all pretty good, but none I like enough to make the cut for my 2004 list.

    Ashlee Simpson: Whoa, you had me for a second!

    More on others on my list:

    Simple Kid: This song has a little Beck vibe to it, one of the guitar riffs sounds really Led Zeppeliny, and the little synth tinkling in the chorus makes it a pretty fun song....

    Broken Social Scene: This is just a great song, pure and simple. And the album is fantastic as well. It has a real free-form (like jazz), experimental sound that somehow WORKS.

    Tegan and Sara: This song has a more commercial sound than the other songs on their album but it is great nonetheless. The album is also strong overall, better than their current album unfortunately...

    Blink 182: This is not a great song, and quite cheezy at that, but I like the sound and love the silly faux British accent.

    Feist: I was pleasantly surprised when I heard this song the first time. Has a real classy, fun sound, a little reminiscent of the music my dad listened to when I was a kid.

    Razorlight: Check this song is reminiscent a little of Remy Zero. Some good hooks there, quite catchy.

    Phoenix: This is a good song to listen to on the road.

  • Preston

    M. Ward did a pretty wicked version of Bowie's "Let's Dance" off of his "Transfiguration of Vincent" album. Heck, get the whole album, it's a keeper.

    I really liked the Franz Ferdinand album.....

    I would also include "Maps" by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs....

    Loretta Lynn's duet with Jack White "Portland, Oregon"

    Scissor SIsters' "Take your Mama"

    Morrissey's "First of the Gang to Die"

    Interpol's "Slow Hands"

    Arcade Fire's "Neighborhood #1"

    Libertines "Can't Stand Me Now"

    Destiny's Child "Lose My Breath"

  • rwagoner

    "Punches up Sinatra and James Taylor on the MP3 player"............ I feel old ! LOL

  • frenchbabyface


    frenchbabyface....That sounds like fun....I should get more into World Music...Is this the kind of African music that Paul Simon got into, or is it different

    Yeah African music is FUN

    I've got the Paul Simon's Album I couldn't resist - it was a very good idea to mix both cultural music in his ALBUM : GRACELAND ...My favourits on this album are :

    • I know what I know ...
      (simply muscialy put - and the chorus are funny : wooop wooop wooop wooop wooop wooop wooop wooop)
    • Gumboots ...
      (interesting very typical african music with English on it and : you don't feel you could love me but I feel you could)
    • Diamonds on the soles of her shoes
      (more Root african music - musically I only like the first part)
    • Homeless ...(more Root african music too : rrrrrrruuuuuh rrrrrrrruuuuh)
    • You can call me Al (the hit of this Album : feel like to dance absolutely even if not a big rythm on it and a like when the fun get's in)
    • Under african sky ... (Nice duet ... I like the voice of the woman and how the handle the nice rythme)

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