But some are nice - come on admit it.

by eyeslice 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • kj

    My mom has some really nice people in her congregation too. One is an elder's wife, too. She checks on my mom when she's sick, even brings her soup. You get so mad about the organization itself, that you forget that there are some really nice people.

  • snakeizz

    this is true....but they are not the issue......

  • hillary_step


    this is true....but they are not the issue......

    I could not agree more. This is one of the better kept secrets on XJW boards! Thanks - HS

  • Dustin

    Yeah, I can think of quite a few people who I liked.


  • JeffT

    In our first congregation there were some really nice caring people, and we had good friends. There was also a couple of jerks, but any group of a hundred or so adults will cover a pretty broad spectrum. When we moved we never had the friends again, it may have been a factor in breaking free.

    For a long time, based on a few things he said, I harbored hopes that Amazing was the elder that married us. Alas, it was not to be.


    adj 1: pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes are nice today" [ant: nasty ] 2: socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl" [syn: decent ] 3: done with delicacy and skill; "a nice bit of craft"; "a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer"; "a nice shot" [syn: skillful ] 4: excessively fastidious and easily disgusted; "too nice about his food to take to camp cooking"; "so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow" [syn: dainty , overnice , prissy , squeamish ] 5: noting distinctions with nicety; "a discriminating interior designer"; "a nice sense of color"; "a nice point in the argument" [syn: discriminate ] 6: exhibiting courtesy and politeness; "a nice gesture" [syn: courteous , gracious ] n : a city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera [syn: Nice ]
    Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
    Nice is as nice does, to paraphrase Forrest Gump's momma.

    I found many witnesses who were NICE when I first went to meetings, pregnant and unbaptised.....................weren't SO NICE once I got thin and wet! The very same people's behaviour changed and I noticed it over the years with just about every new person. Are they classified NICE because they say 'hello', ask how you are, smile at you, because they don't spit on you, kick you, stone you..............or are they NICE because they know what the WTS has put you through and stand by you when the corrupt elders df you unfairly, because they put innocent children before the WTS, no matter what.........because they give you love and support when the entire congregation has turned their back on you????????? Conditional NICE just like conditional LOVE................that's what you get from even the nicest dubs! Bliss...........(of the maybe-not-so-nice class.)

  • diamondblue1974

    This is my point exactly.....predominantly they are nice people but what takes the edge off this niceness is the conditions they attach to it.

    Nice if you believe what they believe.

    Nice if you attend most meetings

    Nice if you manage to get the average hours preaching work achieved.

    Nice if you dont ask too many probing questions.

    Nice if you dont rock the boat.

    Truth be told thats not very nice at all....

  • Gill

    I agree with diamondblue1974!

    But yes you're twisting my arm. There are a few nice ones in there! Not that many but, a few.

  • blondie


    isn't that what the WTS says about "worldly" people; some are nice but they are still going down at the Big A along with their minor children.

    yes, worldly people sacrifice their lives for others, but....

    yes, wordly people live moral lives, but....

    Yes, there are JWs who actually practice what the Bible preaches; but they tend to be the ones in the congregation that are looked down upon because they aren't rich enough, pretty or handsome enough, have scintillating social skills, have a JW husband, etc.

    Notice it was someone plagued by illness, eyeslice, that helped you when you were ill; where are the brothers?

    Hugs, Blondie

  • mtbatoon

    Of coarse there nice, my family are JW's and they're nice. I had loads of ?aunts and uncles? in the cong that where lovely. The flock are unselfish, loving funny and helpful. Its the shepherds that have the crooks and threaten wayward sheep that the loving flock will be denied to them if they step out of line that are the bastards.

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