Ugly People

by Fe2O3Girl 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    Flyinhigh is a stupid head...clearly the moral is don't be ugly to anyone...

    Nuh uh, Valis, that movie clearly shows that if you aren't nice to ugly people, they might get plastic surgery and come back and off you. yourself.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    My word, I have never had so many responses to a topic before.

    Yes, this topic was inspired by some of the responses to my "Charles and Camilla" topic. I actually felt a bit sick reading some of the things people said about her. I suppose a beautiful specimen of a man like Prince Charles should be marrying another teenage dolly-bird, not a woman his own age (he is in his 50s). I am very sorry to have to break the news to you all, but Camilla has already "bred", she has two children older than William and Harry.

    So, just to make myself absolutely clear - I was asking questions, not expressing an opinion. The clue is this "?" at the end, and the sentence construction.

    I said "about half" of us are less than average attractiveness (not exactly half) because I am well aware that mean or mode average is not necessarily the same as median. I still think that attractiveness will have a Normal distribution.

    I watched a TV programme earlier this week about children born with Aperts Syndrome. The father of a young woman with this condition, who had had 20 operations on her face in less than 20 years, broke down as he explained that most of the operations had been to make her more "acceptable".

  • LittleToe

    He's to be king. Of course he should be marrying a teenage dolly-bird. That's what kings do

    As for Charles and Camilla's previous attempts at breeding, they didn't work out too bad. Maybe future attempts at coupling might prove a little more disasterous, genetically, however they are both "past the bloom of youth"

    Incidentally, it was Princess Diana herself who dubbed Camilla "the rotterweiller".

  • hippikon

    I don?t know if has already been said or not but in my experience beauty may only be skin deep but ugly goes to the bone.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Both Charlie and Camelia would both qualify for the qauint Aussie description for being as ugly as a hatful of arseholes. All disrespect intended.

    Maybe this is the time for this joke -

    Prince Charles was reversing his car out of Buckingham Palace when he accidentally ran over one of the Queen's corgi dogs and killed it. Charles, very distressed, got out of the car and called out "Oh, god please help me!" A voice spoke out from heaven and said "For all of your former good deeds I shall grant you one wish". Charles replied, "Please bring my mother's favourite dog back to life." God spoke again and said "I realise you may believe I am all powerful, but to bring the dog back to life would be completely impossible." Charles then said, "If that is the case, could you please make Camilla beautiful?" There was quite a lengthy pause, and then god spoke again "Could we have another look at that request about the dog?"


  • FlyingHighNow

    Camilla isn't really ugly. Charles isn't classicly handsome. I think the problem most people have with Camilla is that she aided in making Diana's married life to Charles so miserable. What they do as far as marriage goes though is their business. He's really just kind of a token prince anyway. It's all for pomp and circumstance and show anyway, it's not like Charles or Camilla will ever have any real power except on fashion, maybe.

    Check out some of the threads about dating websites for some interesting commentary on the way people look.

    I recall also that one campaign strategy of Bush's camp was to encourage people to knock John Kerry for the way he looks. I don't think either man was ever drop dead gorgeous. Judging by the way past presidents have looked, great looks are not really some big prerequisite anyway.

    It's not a duty for any of us to be eye candy.

  • G Money
    G Money

    Very few people are just plain ugly. Many have potential but are just plain lazy!!! People want to eat themselves to death and take the magic pill to make it all go away. People don't want to spend the time to properly clean their bodies and exercise.

    Most ugly people earn their title of "hit with the ugly stick."

    Is it easy being beautiful? Well... to some it is, they had good genes. Others need to work at it. Some ladies can turn 30 after pumpin out 2 babies and eat a huge meal and still be thin. Others will turn 22, have no kids and be fatties.

    We all can sit back in our chairs, stuffing our faces with food and complain or we can get out and make positive changes in our lives! Don't hate, people that hate are just jealous. I think Paris Hilton is hot and girls that don't are jealous. Many girls hated my ex girlfriends stomach cuz it was always flat and she never worked out. Hey.... genes again. I work out 5 days a week to fight off looking my age and want a hot body. I could easily eat fast food and drink soda and not take care of myself and be ugly but I would rather work hard and fight off the uglies.

    So you can eat right, exercise and be happy, healthy with an epic sex life or...

    Fat and ugly and depressed and die young and unhappy and be buried in a piano box. Your choice.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Others need to work at it. Some ladies can turn 30 after pumpin out 2 babies and eat a huge meal and still be thin. Others will turn 22, have no kids and be fatties.

    Sorry, G but I don't equate a few pounds with ugliness.

  • orangefatcat

    G Money: here is something I would like to say to you.

    I am sensing you have a problem with people who are quite obese. You know there are some people who can't help it. Some have metalbolic reasons for there obesity, their are those who suffer from "PRADOR WILLIE SYNDROME and their are others who suffer from "CUSHINGS DISEASE. And yes there are those who don't have to be obese but they don't know when to put their fork down and we call these types gluttons. It's awlful that people who can't help themselves should be condemned or ridiculed because of something they have no control over. It is diffucult for the obese in an obsessive society that thinks only thin and beauty make up a person. I am not trying to hurt you but what I am saying, I am only asking that you remember that heavy people have feelings too. And no one likes their feelings hurt.

    And for that reason they don't deserve anothers contempt, or their scorn. They are not inferior as some people seem to think. Many persons with obesity wish that for one moment they could be thin. But even then that is a paradox, because people in society today still have a stigmatism for both the obese and thin skinny persons. Thin skinny persons are also mocked about as much as a heavy person is. . If we could just stop and think could I walk a mile in his/her shoes, we may be not so quick to pass judgement on other.

    With all sincerity and respect to all


  • ballistic

    That being said, we still live in a world where people are driven by looks more than anything, both men and women. You can't say because someone has an illness which makes them fat that they are exempt from this fact of life.

    A seperate point, I wouldn't consider myself ugly, but one of the many lessons I learnt as a young lad leaving the org, was after chasing a woman for months who made excuses, and "wasn't that kind of girl" only to see her hop in bed for a one night stand with my friend who looked like Tom Cruise. What was the lesson now? ... errr, oh yes, life's a bitch.

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