
by MoeJoJoJo 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Esmeralda

    Here you go, Jojo...hope the fine ladies on the list are as much a comfort to you as they've been to me in the past.

    You have to submit an application to join, but don't have to give your real name or anything. It's just so they can keep the list for women only, etc etc...

    Hang in there!

    The Four Agreements:
    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

  • sf

    Hi gsark,

    I really enjoyed your comments here:

    >> "What I've been saying to Witnesses i meet, "My heart goes out to Jehovah's Witnesses, this is a difficult time for them. Seven failed prophecies, child molestations, etc etc. God bless you in this difficult time." or something to that effect. it tends to open the floodgates!

    If you give them permission to be a Witness, they can't wait sometimes to get out."

    At first, in my journeys in discovering the corruption at the WTBTS, I went into fits of rage at every discovery. And it was like a reflex reaction. I truly HATED every jw at the point. I would make sure they knew I was watching them when they entered my hood. I went to jwrooms and blasted them. I was like a wounded, rabied dog lashing out at everyone and everything around me. My jw mom took alot of verbal abuse from me at that time. I truly thought it was all justified, to bash, blast and condemn all of them.

    Not anymore! I learned that displaying hatred for them was not hurting them, but it was fueling them to stay stronger in their "faith". It WAS hurting me more. Today, I do what it takes to get all related info to sites and rooms where they frequent in the hopes that just one will read what the society doesn't want them to.

    Thank you again for the inspirational comments.

    Sincerely, sKally

  • blondie

    If you want to help someone see, just remember you did not see it overnight. Also, don't ask someone to leave a place they feel is secure without offering something better, something to replace what they will be leaving. JWs have no social life outside the organization and some do not know where to start. (Of course, some don't have much of a social life in the organization.)

    my 2 cents

    (Don't rip someone's clothes off and leave them standing naked in the cold)

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