Jehovah's witnesses cooperative

by Polemotheos 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Poley boy, the source of the JW problem is plain and simple, EGO! If Chuck Russell and his minions followed by Jug Rutherford had truely been humble seekers of truth rather than EGOMANIACS there never would have been a corporation and your whole quest would be null and void, spelled MUTE!


  • Polemotheos

    They gave me quite a few charges none of which they would let me defend by evidence. They especially did not like my song. I will put it up for your enterainment;

    This clamation of malediction,
    is a sure cure to ice
    the traditions of men adiction.
    Yeah You got no choice.
    It's what you all have been told to listen too.
    These criminals in Bethel want to control and limit you.
    All the spiritual power is ours but these cowards; goals and principles is to imprison you.
    Governing Body the devil is YOUR Father.
    YOUR the biggest apostates there ever is.
    It's evident you supported the UN Charter.
    Theocratic warfare lies of hypothesis,
    British news reported the fiasco,
    Hiding ten years underground NGO .
    What's the information programme?
    Shared guilt of a hypocritical scam!
    Making money from military corporations?
    Here's God's rebuke for these altercations;
    spiritual arms at aim to shame and disfame
    YOUR maimed remains left blind and lame
    indignation righteous made dangerous
    Empty pits in front of the judicial office
    Look in there eyes it's all lies
    If I get sniped tonight you'll know why
    There bloody hands red spiritually dead
    Watchtower better Armageddon dread
    How could we allow something like this,
    To happen without pumping our fist?
    Under no terms they have our hearts earned,
    In God's word discern each day the spirit yearns.
    Problems evolving humble involvement could solve it.
    If they weren't glorifying them self so often
    Believe me you all it's way worse then it looks.
    Being marked with the number of men.
    Lead by strangers corporate elitism and crooks

    You are welcome to pursue whatever you wish, of course, and more power to you. But you can see what happens when some honest people get together and form any sort of organization -- it becomes corrupted. Rather than expend your efforts building any sort of organization -- even a cooperative, which will inevitably involve administration, which brings us back to corruption --

    I will give you an example; A common grocery store. Go to your local conventional grocery store and tell me what kind of food you see. Pesticide, synthetic petro chemical covered genetically modified tasteless garbage. The corporate controlled grocery stores put food on the shelf that maximizes there profits not your health nor the sustainability and health of the planet.

    I go to the Sacramento natural foods co-op. We chose what food is on the shelf. All profit is given back to us. We have only organic produce. I eat fruits and vegetables you have never even seen or heard of. One slice of my bread contains as much nutrition as ten conventional loafs. The food I eat is grown on ground that is not depleted. And they grow in such a way that we do not deplete the ground infact we make it better

    Such a stark contrast. There has never been a religious co-operative. I am helping to invent the first. I thank you all for your help.

    why not spend your time living and serving your God? Individually, not as part of a group.

    Divided we fall united we stand.

  • Polemotheos
    Poley boy, the source of the JW problem is plain and simple, EGO! If Chuck Russell and his minions followed by Jug Rutherford had truely been humble seekers of truth rather than EGOMANIACS there never would have been a corporation and your whole quest would be null and void, spelled MUTE!



    Ego is the formost problem of mankind not exclusive to one religious group. How do you suggest killing the ego?

  • AlmostAtheist

    You have lofty goals, and they aren't just dreams. You're really trying. You're to be commended for that.

    I go to the Sacramento natural foods co-op. We chose what food is on the shelf.

    Do you see the problem? You are in a very small community. You have maybe 100 members? 1,000? When you have 10,000, 100,000 or a million, how can you possibly operate without someone at "the top"? You can't, it can't happen. Jesus --> apostles --> disciples. Jesus didn't even try to set up a co-op, he knew it couldn't be done.

    You know what I'm doing? I'm trying to get you to quit trying. That's stupid. You want it bad enough? Go try it, and make it happen. I'm not with you on it, but who am I? Nobody. (Ask anybody) Seriously, if this is your thing, totally go for it. Even if it doesn't succeed, you'll surely feel great for having made the effort.

    I hope when what I want badly pops up, I'll go for it like you are. (It's probably those good veggies you're tossing back!)

    Take care,


  • Polemotheos

    You have lofty goals, and they aren't just dreams. You're really trying. You're to be commended for that.

    Do you see the problem? You are in a very small community. You have maybe 100 members? 1,000? When you have 10,000, 100,000 or a million, how can you possibly operate without someone at "the top"? You can't, it can't happen. Jesus --> apostles --> disciples. Jesus didn't even try to set up a co-op, he knew it couldn't be done.

    Actually we have thousands of local members and millions world wide. The organic co-op movement is large. Many fruits and vegetables cannot be grown everywhere. So say like chocolate bean you would get your chocolate from the co-op's in other countries that grow it.

    As a member I have a voice that must be heard. That's powerful. Someone at the top is voted in. And don't try to compare it to U$A 'democracy' controlled by the corporations.

    You know what I'm doing? I'm trying to get you to quit trying. That's stupid. You want it bad enough? Go try it, and make it happen. I'm not with you on it, but who am I? Nobody. (Ask anybody) Seriously, if this is your thing, totally go for it. Even if it doesn't succeed, surely feel great for having made the effort.

    You are with me on it. You have pointed out serious things that must be thought out. Any criticism from intelligent people like you only makes it more of a thought provoking; reality.

    I hope when what I want badly pops up, I'll go for it like you are. (It's probably those good veggies you're tossing back!) Take care, Dave
    If it is Jehovah's will it will happen. Thanks for your help Dave.
  • LoverOfTruth

    You seem like a sweet kid with good intentions. Please be More Cautious. The WTBS doesn't like competition; they'll squash you like a Bug first chance they get.

  • Panda

    Pole"y" , Welcome to JWD. UMMMM dare I say that your search may leave you more frustrated than fulfilled. But it certainly is the journey which makes any destination worthwhile. The whole co-op thing won't work for Christianity (the rebellious Jewish religion). But I do have to agree with you about vegetables. While living in China I had wonderful fresh fruit and veggies. Some I'd never seen before. They were a feast for the eyes as well as the old tummy. I did enjoy going to market in the early AM before school, the walk, the people, the joy of the sellers who until a few years ago were not allowed to sell their own produce. I noticed that most vegetables were harvested young so the colors were amazing ... and the taste out of this world.

    Back to your quest... have you read Plato's Republic ? When you talk about cooperative and everyone thriving I am reminded of the Republic. I hope you will continue to learn. Here's a poem I recently ran across on edward Babinski's web cite. The author is Maynard James Keenan and the title:


    all I know, all I believe

    are crumbling images no longer comforting


    this ground is not the rock I thought it to be

    I thought I was high, thought I was free

    thought I was there: divine destiny

    I was wrong. This changes everything.

  • Polemotheos

    You seem like a sweet kid with good intentions. Please be More Cautious. The WTBS doesn't like competition; they'll squash you like a Bug first chance they get.
    Believe it or not they are the ones that told me to do this. :) "why don't you start your own religion mars" they said. I am not affaid to die they know where I live. Come on over we will have a bible study.

  • Polemotheos


    Thanks for sharing your optimism and faith strengthing poem.

    I have a poem to share with you; Fly, fly away with me.

    Sunset ocean wild and vast
    Far horizons of the past
    Drift along with wind and tide
    Long forgotten songs revive
    Searching for mysteries
    Miracles shall quicken
    In all that God gives to thee
    Love, receive and be free
    Spread your wings upon the breeze
    Into new discoveries
    Over hills you'll travel free
    Of all earthly boundaries

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I do not want to change the Jehovahs Witness faith anymore than I want to change the Mormans; the Jews or the Catholics; or any other religion for that matter.

    My experiences growing up as a JW were all negative; it was not until I was able to distance myself from that religion and its stifling infuences that my life landed on an even keel and began to blossom.

    Would any OTHER RELIGION have had that effect on me? I will never know....

    But I do know this; the banterings of the Watchtower society and all of their little preachers are tolerated in our society like so many other middle tier fundamentalist christian religions. Life goes on; no one in the "real world" really cares....

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