How did you actually envision Paradise?

by freedom96 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    As a child I pictured freedom and happiness in a natural setting.

    Little did I know there is no such thing, LOL.

  • avishai

    Well, I'm looking out my window, and it's kinda windy, lotsa trees............ya see, I live there. In Paradise. Paradise, California, that is.

  • under74

    It would be a tropical island setting. Perfect weather. Banana trees and mangos. All that stuff but I wouldn't have to go to meetings anymore.....but then my mom told me I would have to go to meetings and that there would need to be a "clean up" after armegeddon (dead bodies and stuff). So paradise didn't seem worth it after that.

  • frenchbabyface

    Ok Short : something as cool as possible with lots of weed everywhere

  • under74

    FBF, you wanted weed everywhere when you were a JW?


  • frenchbabyface

    Under74 ... No actually at that time I didn't know about it yet (I was 12 when I left first - actually when my mother left us alone at home to live with her 22 years husband she was 45) ...

    well later (I've touch this stuff the first time I was already 18 it took times for me to be sure I could handle it - observed my friends) but never attempted meetings more than 6 months (and only once) in a row at the same place and usually 1 to 2 times just to take the temperature (all fake spirited just sniffing the ambiance) ... and I like to live ... I hate being in jail ... this life is already a kind of jail (we are interdependant) actually that stuff is very relaxing (to me) ! (that doesn't mean everybody can handle it)

  • confusedjw

    Never boardom. I dreamed of planting the trees that I would eventually build my house from and and furniture and being with my children and their children and a family gatherings and then someone would mention that we would still have meetings in the new system and I hated that thought, but I did plan on sneaking behind the barn and braining a cow to have a Bit O Steak once in a while.

  • Honesty

    No JWs

  • snakeizz

    to be honest, i never could envision hard for me to separate this life to the ones they betray on the was always a shortage of black people so i really thought my chances were slim then!!!!

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