What does death really mean? How can we reconcile death and eternal Hell

by JerichoForce 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JerichoForce


    Well dude, maybe if they read them they might actually see past the end of their own myopic view of the world and see some truth..

    Yes, we are accountable to the law of man, but there is much more evil that can be done than simply breaking criminal law codes. Leaving one's wife for a younger lover, verbal abuse over years to destroy people's character and heart, especially in relationships, arrogance and pride, belittlement, self love above all else, greed, coveting what one's neighbhour has...I could go on. Jesus holds us accountable to more than just criminal law he holds us accountable in our behaviour, relationships and the way we conduct ourselves as human beings in terms of the impact we have on the lives of others, in most cases, destructive influence...

    Jesus exhorted us to pray for those who mock our faith...Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open AlmostAtheist's eyes to your word and truth, open his heart to seek you, and to learn not just about you but to come to 'know' so that he grows into the plans and purpose you hvve prepared for him and that when he passes from this world it will be into the eternal and glorious hope of dwelling in your presence and eternal kingdom ..

    In The Name of The Lamb That Was Slain, Jesus Christ of Nazereth, the most High God

  • holly

    just popped in again between work comitment. sorry Jericoforce i still havent had time to read everything you write - never seem to get that long on the computor and already have to share it, so you tend to get short sharp bites from me.

    dont know if you tried towerwatch.com. ive just joined. not had much time there either, but it looks interesting.

    English is not my first language, so reading all those words is also a very daunting task - i get baffled by the 2nd line of most scripts. something for anyone replying to my posts to bear in mind.

    I grew up in the church. i know fully what they believe. i know all of their different doctrines. and i know many, particularly the catholics are very unscriptural (number one example, where is this place called purgatory mentioned in the bible?)

    no amount of teaching will convince me of hell. a loving god could never send people to such a place of torment, however clear some may say the scriptures are. they have either been mistranslated, lost in translation, deliberately changed or the bible is not true. but no way can i accept the concept of hell as the churches interpret it. the jws have to be right on that one. if they arent, then atheists must be.

    will pop by later.



  • JerichoForce

    Holly, I encourage you to try and read through all I have said to understand God's love and his judgement, whatever we think, if we follow truth we need to hear the words of Jesus written in the bible and seek to understand them, even if at first we might not fully agree or understand..

    Remember the words of Proverbs, 'there is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof are the ways of death' and

    Prov 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    ...If you pray and seek God will show you. You mention you know all the chuch's teaching, what is even more important is that you understand in your heart what Jesus taught and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your own understanding of the scriptures. Many noble men died in the middle ages so that you could have access to God's word yourself rather than being fed what man made organisations decided to feed you about God's word with their own spin on it. Honour their sacrifice by feeding off that Word, don't just accept what you are told by others, listen to the words of Jesus in the bible and accept his understanding, not your own, remember He says

    Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts"

    If you let me know your first language I may be able to get my responses translated for you?

    Yours In Christ

    P.S - I agree with you about the Catholics, they repeat the mistakes of the Pharisees in Jesus day, they rely more on their own traditions than the Word of God and they add to His word and distort it, they blaspheme by praying to idols and graven images...Jesus preached against this very thing

    Mark 7:7-9 "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men.... And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

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