JWD flyers on cars at KH's

by ko38 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • ko38

    What if we all printed up some flyers advertising ..........Seek the truth about the Truth.Go to Jw.com for the answers to questions youv'e had or may have.Read articles from the watchtower that the society hopes you will never find.

    Could we legaly put those on their windshields during a meeting?Im sure we could do it at least once,and then if asked to leave comply with their wishes.Its a well nown fact that out of 100 or 1000 or 100,000 that some will take the bait and check it out just due to human curiousity.

    If we all started using the same informal preaching as them such as dropping flyers at laundry mats and phone booths and grociery stores etc you would think it would catch on.I havent counted all the members of this board and how many countries are represented but it sure looks like a lot to me.

    What do you guys and gals think?..............Ken

  • Valis
    Could we legaly put those on their windshields during a meeting?

    They would probably say you were trespassing, but putting them in places all around the convention that you mentioned might not get a gang of wannabe MS goons chasing you..*LOL* Worth a try though..


    District Overbeer

  • upside/down

    "Consider it done!"- Heady (that's Headley) LaMar (Blazzing Saddles)


  • Valis

    Eh how cool would it be to have a bunch of flyers fall from the rafters during the keynote address..bwahahah

  • ko38

    There are a lot of low dollar ways to market products or services. PLease everyone post your ideas and together we could come to make a difference with very little investment of time or money.

    We have some of the most inteligent people ive ever had the chance to talk with here at JWD.I know there will be some great ideas come to life.....................................................LETS GO GET EM...............................................ken

  • Elsewhere

    I've seen this happen before and when the meeting is over the first people to spot them walk around the parking lot removing all of the flyers before anyone else has a chance to see them.

  • Valis

    you could make up 1 page pamphlet...call it the Awaken! & Watchingtower. Throw in some URLS and new tidbits about changes in doctrine etc..eheheh...I'm betting they would go over well in the laundry mat.

  • Lostreality

    Go for it...but count me out. No use spending more time on this religion IMO.

  • ko38

    Elsewhere :What about a little sign just outside of the KH property.Many times KH's are adjacent to a homeowners property right by the parking lot.They cant take the sign down on private property.All we need is permission from the homeowner.I would bet that more than a few would allow it.

    I bet that would cause at least an announcement from the platform if not a talk on the subject of the Evils of the internet and apostates.In our case any press from them is good press.......What do you think? More Ideas come on you guys.

  • ko38

    Valis that was a good one.LOL How about a regular mailing campaign to the kingdom halls with quotes from the watchtower on select topics every month that would leave even the most steadfast without an answer.

    I know only Ms;s and Elders get the mail but they are curious creatues too.

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