NWO descends on iraqi farmers

by Satanus 26 Replies latest social current

  • Pistoff
    I can't help thinking this can't be true - the Iraqis are being advised on how to write their own constitution - I hardly think anyone will be writing their actual laws for them - even the US.

    Ballastic, you should read more real news stories; the US has fourteen military bases, permanent, in Iraq. This was started immediately after the invasion.

    This war was about imperialism, and cheap oil; that's it. The rest was just PR. Google the leaders in Afghanistan, and you will find many of them were on Unocal's payroll for years.

    Oil. It's about oil, not freedom.

    And Monsanto can sue farmers whose fields inadvertently have volunteer corn from last season's crop; even if they did not intentionally plant the seeds, they can be sued.

    Is this the wonderful power of capitalism, oops I mean free enterprise??

  • Satanus


    I hardly think anyone will be writing their actual laws for them

    They have already been made and delivered as of june last yr. Before leaving bremmer composed the 100 orders. They lay out many corporate laws, patent laws, and if rget can have tibted windows in their cars or not. See them here http://www.iraqcoalition.org/regulations/index.html#Orders

    They are in pdf format. Iraq is now open for business. Don't forget to bring your own armor.


  • Zep

    Yeah, this is happening in India too. There is a huge protest movement on over there dealing with this issue. The documentary THE CORPORATION deals with some of this patenting of genes and WTO free trade stuff. If you aint seen it, you gotta. I like the story about how some South American country tried to to re-finance its public water company through the world bank. The World trade organisation required it privatized as a condition of the loan. People were forced to pay exorbitant amounts of money to brectel just for water. THE PEOPLE WERE EVEN FORBIDDEN TO COLLECT RAIN WATER. A huge protest movement kicked out brectel which subsequntly got a 25 million dollar payout via a WTO hearing. It's profiteering off the poor. It's immoral.

  • godblesstheworld

    Satanus-thank you, thank you, thank you for starting this thread. You've turned a long-time lurker into a first-time poster. Well, after effectively "murdering and raping" the Iraqi people over the last couple of years, I guess there actually is more that our benevolent regime can inflict on them. I guess if I were a little more world-savvy, this would have been easy to predict; Monsanto's mo is not news to me. Perhaps its just that I'm not evil, and sometimes I forget to forsee the next bit of unconscionable thievery aimed at more of the world's innocent ones. As an ex-witness, I sometimes wish that there really was a just Jehovah god. Then it would be interesting to see how this just god would deal with a corrupt organization bearing his name. And it would be interesting to see how this just god would deal with world-wide organized crime like the Bush cabal with all its corporate bedmates. I can dream, can't I? Matt

  • Golf

    Satanis, ah, the NWO stuff? Hey, didn't we preach about a 'New World/New World order?'

    Here's something we may want to view.


  • Satanus

    Welcome to the board, matt. Since you probably know a few people here already, head on up to the bar and have a few


    Ya, it's wierd when polticos and wt use the same terms. In the 60's, in my area, we were preaching that the world would form into one world govt just before jehovamageddon. Thanks for the link.


  • Satanus

    Ps, seeing how this is shaping up at this time w business being invited by bush govt, iraq may be being used as a feeding ground for american businesses. As such, iraq would be fuel to help maintain the american economy. Is this wrong? A good question. It will tend to crush cultures and values, putting in place instead money and career advancement. Your own answer to the above question depends on your own values.

    It seems to me that the above feeding process is similar to how rome operated as it acquired new territories, importing their resources to prop up the empire's core, which had gone hollow. I could be wrong.


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