NWO descends on iraqi farmers

by Satanus 26 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    "As part of sweeping "economic restructuring" implemented by the Bush Administration in Iraq, Iraqi farmers will no longer be permitted to save their seeds, which include seeds the Iraqis themselves have developed over hundreds of years. Instead, they will be forced to buy seeds from US corporations. That is because in recent years, transnational corporations have patented and now own many seed varieties originated or developed by indigenous peoples. In a short time, Iraq will be living under the new American credo:
    Pay Monsanto, or starve ."
    "The American Administrator of the Iraqi CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) government, Paul Bremer, updated Iraq's intellectual property law to 'meet current internationally-recognized standards of protection'. The updated law makes saving seeds for next year's harvest, practiced by 97% of Iraqi farmers in 2002, and is the standard farming practice for thousands of years across human civilizations, to be now illegal.. Instead, farmers will have to obtain a yearly license for genetically modified (GM) seeds from American corporations. These GM seeds have typically been modified from seeds developed over thousands of generations by indigenous farmers like the Iraqis, and shared freely like agricultural 'open source.'"

    Iraq law Requires Seed Licenses November 13, 2004

    "According to Order 81, paragraph 66 - [B], issued by L. Paul Bremer [CFR], the people in Iraq are now prohibited from saving seeds and may only plant seeds for their food from licensed, authorized U.S. distributors.


    Aaah, the blessings of democracy.


  • jeanniebeanz

    This practice seems very wrong to me. I am not familiar with this site, is it run by a government agency?


  • Panda

    Satanus, If this is what the Iraqi farmers have for a future.... It just seems so wrong. How do seeds get outlawed? I know that the genetically altered seeds might get patented. But I also know that I can save seeds and grow whatever I want on my farm. Maybe it's about produce getting purchased by world wide companies? I don't know.

  • avengers



    no way

  • sf

    Ah, isn't free-dumb great!



  • hamsterbait

    Of course,

    If the rest of the world was free Like the US the world would be fairer, freer.

    Free countries don't need to attack other countries.

    America is free, and has attacked two muslim countries, may support attacking a third as well as an atheist country. As a result China is now getting pally with Russia to counterbalance the inequality.

    America will make us all free to live the way they want, think the way they want, kill with guns the way they want. Die of starvation the way they want.

    And when America suffers from pollution and global warming the way they said we should want because america had to drive their cars less other wise they will be nuking everybody elses fossilburning powerplants to stop the south east lowlands being inundated.

    I love so many of my american friends - but there are other ways of living that won't send us all into oblivion.


  • Satanus


    I traced that article back to a news site in maine. Some comment has been added. You can see the original @ http://magic-city-news.com/article_2812.shtml


    I'm not a lawyer, but from the following legalise, it appears that any seeds, not just ones that monsanto has engineered, can be added to the list that american companies will control.


    According to Order 81, paragraph 66 -[B], issued by L. Paul Bremer [CFR], the people in Iraq are now prohibited from saving seeds and may only plant seeds for their food from from licensed, authorized U.S. distributors.

    The paragraph states, "Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph [C] of Article 14 of this chapter."

    Written in massively intricate legalese, Order 81 directs the reader at Article 14, paragraph 2 [C] to paragraph [B] of Article 4, which states any variety that is different from any other known variety may be registered in any country and become a protected variety of seed - thus defaulting it into the "protected class" of seeds and prohibiting the Iraqis from reusing them the following season. Every year, the Iraqis must destroy any seed they have, and repurchase seeds from an authorized supplier, or face fines, penalties and/ or jail time.


    It's not clear to me if that hard line will actually be taken. The laws for it seem to be there.


  • avengers


  • ballistic

    I can't help thinking this can't be true - the Iraqis are being advised on how to write their own constitution - I hardly think anyone will be writing their actual laws for them - even the US.

  • Satanus

    If it is the way that it appears, then iraq's food supply will be controlled from american corporate offices, while the corps reap the profits continuously, yr after yr.


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