i know this has been talked about. but isn't wearing JW.org stuff idol worship

by goingthruthemotions 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    There's not much about the JWs that's the same as when my grandparents took it up in the 1930s or when my parents were indoctrinated into it. Even in my time it's changed a lot. I think my mother still practices a quasi-1960s version of it. They just redefine stuff to suit the needs of the day. 

    I'm sure they used to wear pins and badges in the early days? Or am I imagining that?

    It's just advertising, advertising, advertising God's online Kingdom. 

  • freemindfade
    The original bible students did wear these types of things before there was an "Organization". The archives in BK show this. I heard a guide tout it as the original Facebook/social network, because the vary few "Bible Students" that existed used it to identify each other out of the crowd. This was way back, wish I had images of it, but they do exist at HQ.
  • Splash

    w00 1/1 pp. 6-11 "it took additional time to purge all wrong ideas. For example, in the 1920’s many Bible Students wore a pin featuring a cross-and-crown emblem, and they celebrated Christmas and other pagan holidays. However, for worship to be pure, all vestiges of idolatry must be discarded. "

    There was a WT article discussing this. They never considered the cross and crown as something to idolise, just something to identify themselves with. The new logo fits that exact same description, so according to the above quote, it does constitute idolatry.

    jw dot org is the modern day golden calf.


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    The manager of my apartment building - a JW in an apartment complex of JWs - once flew a flag with a lighthouse shining a light on a cabin. It was one of those customized flag things that offered the buyer a wide variety of choices to mix and match.

    I interpreted that to mean that the lighthouse represented the Watchtower and the cabin represented her home. It did not fly for long. 

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