Have many become atheists who've left the Watchtower?

by The Leological One 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • City Fan
    City Fan
    My general philosophy now acknowledges a creative force, but not a personal creator. It is shaped a lot by Taoism.

    Exactly my thoughts! I left really not because I'd become completely atheist but because I could no longer believe in a god as portrayed in the Old Testament.

    I don't believe in a personal creator with human like emotions. I'm still searching, but that search is taking me more towards Taoist philosophies.


  • Honesty

    When I discovered all the lies and coverups I wondered what else those Satanic people were lying about so I went to a big, big, big, church with a very, very large cross on top of it that can be seen for miles around and a pastoral shepherding group of men with Doctorate degrees in all kinds of things. Most caring, non-judgemental people I have ever met in my life and they only use the bible; don't go beyond what the scriptures say and use a translation that doesn't blaspheme God like the New World Order Translation that was invented by a bunch of elementary school dropouts with demonised thoughts of ruling over the world.

  • AlmostAtheist
    I recall during my judicial committee meetings telling the elders that I just could not conceive of Jehovah as a real person.

    That would've been a fun judicial committee!

    Elder: "Are you saying you don't believe that the F&DS is the head of Jehovah's Earthly Organization?"

    Valiant: "Well, sort of. I'm saying that I think your Jehovah is a myth, and the whole shootin' match is a bunch of baloney."

    (Elder nervously flipping to and fro in the Flock book)

    Valiant: "You understand, right? I think the god you prayed to when we started this little farce simply doesn't exist."

    Elder: "Um, ok. That sounds like apostate thinking to me."

    Valiant: "I'm just gonna go now. Bubye. God bless. <snicker>"


  • Elsewhere
    Wuddaya think, Elsewhere? Shun 'im? I don't think we've got any other alternative...

    Yup... shun the sorry good-for-nuth'in SOB.

    When he comes to his senses he will still have to humble himself before us and beg and grovel for our the Universe's forgiveness for his blatantly apostate tendencies.

  • undercover

    I have two options...

    1. Fake repentance and beg forgiveness and pretend to be something I'm not, or...

    2. Suck it up and take my shunning like the evil apostate that I am.

    In the case of number two that would leave me choice but to start a website called www.athesists.com were shunned non-god believers can post their shunning experiences and debate the practices of self labeled athesists.

  • Swan

    I didn't start out that way when I left, but I am now. Actually I wobble back and forth from athiesm to agnosticism.


  • stillajwexelder

    I am getting close to being an atheist but not quite there just yet

  • kls

    I haven't figured that one out yet. Is there a God ,(i don't know ). If there is one and you pray does he help ?(nope.) Are people joining cults and destroying themselves and their families( yep)

  • Euphemism

    At the time that I decided to leave the Witnesses, I still believed in the Bible, essentially a kind of Protestantism. For various reasons, I had to stay in for a few months after I decided to leave, and by the time I left I was agnostic. I would now consider myself an atheist.

    My wife followed a more meandering path, checking out Buddhism and various forms of New Age (pagan/wicca-influenced) spirituality. She's currently pretty much agnostic/atheist.

    The most important thing is for your wife to feel comfortable pursuing her own path, wherever that takes her, and however long it takes her. Best of luck to you both.

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    Euph and all,

    Thanks for the replies, and I wish the best for all of you.


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