Why? I have to ask...

by AGuest 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine
    I am very diverse, lingually, actually.

    Exactly. And that is why you are able to carry off this particularly irritating* persona day in/day out on this board.

    Why not get help to get over yourself? You are not the first person to imagine the voice in their head is God. Your arrogance is overwhelming, and you are a slave to no one but your own mind.

    *and just what does that say about God?

  • COMF

    No..he says.."listen to me." Wow...umm...there's an insight.

    Omigod, I can see I'm gonna like your style, Naeblis.


  • TMS

    SixofNine hits the nail on the proverbial head:

    I am very diverse, lingually, actually.

    Exactly. And that is why you are able to carry off this particularly irritating* persona day in/day out on this board.

    Why not get help to get over yourself? You are not the first person to imagine the voice in their head is God. Your arrogance is overwhelming, and you are a slave to no one but your own mind.

    *and just what does that say about God?

    Exactly. Its a clever schtick, at best. Could one actually be "in character" twenty-four hours a day?

    I don't doubt for a moment that many street people are mesmorized by Shelby. She talks a good game. They may even feel the "holy spirit" as they pray together for the Lord to come into their life, banishing the methyl amphetamine, heroin, dust or grass or alcohol.

    But its a lame ploy on JWD forum.


  • AGuest

    Ahhh, Naeblis, TMS and SixofNine... as if I am seeking approval from any of you... LOL! As if I am courting your agreement. Okay, sure. Right.

    But what really makes me laugh is how similar you are to the WTBTS that you so loudly decry:

    "Hey, don't come HERE prophesying; go somewhere else. Better yet, don't speak at all 'cause WE don't agree with what you're saying... and we don't even like it. Cause WE know better than you and WE don't want you speaking to us this way... AND we don't want you to speak to anyone else either cause we know better than them, too. And yes, we decide for all others, cause they're stupid and ignorant and don't know any better and can't decide for themselves. We're the only bright, intelligent ones here and since we are, we know what's best for everyone. All the others who might listen to you have problems: they're addicts or drunks or schizos or bipolar or something; they don't KNOW any better. Be WE do. WE'RE in full control of OUR faculties and thus WE are in a position to say that you shouldn't be speaking what you speak... to anyone... unless we agree with it."

    Hypocrites. Always attempting to shut up the kingdom of the heavens before those going in while maligning those that do the very same thing. Why? Because you yourselves are not going in, are you, for as far as you're concerned, there is no place TO go in. And so because of YOUR lack of faith, you have deigned to stand in the path of any others seeking entry. Because that's your JOB, isn't it, to shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men?

    Well, then, insolent ones... get to it. Do your 'job'. Stop all that you can. And may their blood be upon your hands. As for me, I will serve JAH... and I will continue to OPEN that 'door' and invite ANY who 'wish' to enter, as long as the Spirit permits me. Whether you yourselves hear... or whether you refrain.

    A slave of Christ,


  • SixofNine

    Nope, Shelby. Nice try, but you don't find any of mine, Naeblis' , or TMS' attitudes anywhere near a Kingdom Hall.

    The sad thing is, a person like you could really hurt someone.

  • TMS

    "Shutting up the door of the Kingdom" 'cuz we saw thru a phony Benny Hinn schtick?

    Shelby, look in that hand held mirror u girls carry and see if thats the girl u wanna be.


  • Naeblis

    I never told you to shut up. I just think you're crazy. :) :)

  • TMS

    Tempted to join AGuest's latest thread, I decided to look up this old one. Everything seemingly has already been said.


    ps. I submit the name of Mark Twain (Samuel Clemons) as prophet to the 48 contiguous states, Alaska & Hawaii and the cities situated therein.

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