I'm beating myself up today....

by BrendaCloutier 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    We're getting ready for vacation so I'm doing that odd-ball stuff that needs to be done. However:

    I'm walking into the bedroom with my suitcase, catch it on the doorframe, and it puches me in the gut and knocks me to the floor. My gut and ribs are still sore 3 hours later! (I hadn't felt that since my first husband punched me 25 years ago!)

    Kev's rolly duffle has a partly blown out zipper. I'm at my sewing machine repairing it, I move the duffle and somehow it knocks me in the head, around my left eye, and knocks me out! I come too with Kev checking my vital signs. Only minor swelling - I iced my eye. I hope it doesn't color. That was 2 hours ago, and I'm still a bit dizzy.

    Ya'know how bad stuff comes in threes... what's next?

    I need a smooch and a hug


  • Valis

    Sorry to hear of your injuries...I'm always doing stuff like that to myself...The last incident was a fight with the Christmas tree skirt, to wit I lost, broke the glass door on my stero cabinet, cut my hand AND cracked a rib.


    District Overbeer

  • JustTickledPink

    It sounds like vacation is going to be stressful.... do the bare minimum, have a glass of wine and start your vacation early. RELAX!

  • Satanus

    It's that goddam subconscious acting up. Maybe it is resistent to the vacation for some reason.


    Ps, give it a drink, uh, oops, you don't do that do you?

  • Wallflower

    Geez, you need a holiday for sure :)

  • frenchbabyface

    here (((Brenda))) hope your hollidays will give you a big relief

  • jeanniebeanz

    So sorry you are having a bad day; hope the eye does not swell up too bad. Ouch!

    I run into stuff and trip all the time, but for me it is the fibromyalgia; don't know where my butt is half the time. I'll be standing in the doorway talking to my hubby and all of a sudden I am listing dangerously to the side and he'll grab me. I've fallen more than once... <ahem>

    Maybe you need to bake on a beach for a while or something LOL my favorite place in the world because it does not hurt to fall down in the sand

    Take care,


  • frankiespeakin


    You are working too hard take some time to just sit still gaze at something for 15minute with out turning your gaze from it and don't blink even if you eyes tear.

  • BrendaCloutier
    Ps, give it a drink, uh, oops, you don't do that do you?

    Nah, but I appreciate the good thoughts.

    Jeannie, I have FMS, too. A pain in the arse and everywhere else! Yesterday I got a 2nd cup of coffee, sat on the couch, and realized 1-1/2 hours later, I'd just been sitting there. The coffee was gone, so I must have drank it. I list, I limp, I waddle.

    Oh for the warm of a mexican beach..... and the pain pills I buy there...Tradol. My doc won't Rx them, but he knows I get them in Mx.... I tell him. He just shakes his head.

    Good idea Frankie. Time to take a break, or a nap, or both.

    Tx for the hugs.

  • orangefatcat

    Brenda how come your doctor won't give you any meds for your pain? I would be finding a new doctor then. You shouldn't have to suffer like that. I have FM also and my doctors are very understanding and I have meds for pain. I know some doctors are fussy about giving Narcotics though.

    Yes you need a vaction.

    Love Orangefatcat.

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