The Longest Hour in the Life of a Young JW

by TMS 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    Watchtower meeting. The only fun I ever had then was watching which of the Bennett boys would start falling asleep first...


  • pr_capone

    I have actually fallen asleep during prayers. We had a Bro. Weber, old as dirt elder, who they would no longer let him give public talks. He was notorious for his long prayers and I started timing him.

    I kid you not, I remember to this day, 12 minutes and 30 some odd seconds. He just kept going, and going. Everytime we thought he was about to "In Jesus name we pray, Amen" he would go off again. They took him in the library and had a chat with him and he did better after that. He would only go about 5 to 7 minutes after that.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Badger

    Those are all good...I would like to add...

    A Public Talk from a speaker that you and everyone knows is a terrible, incoherent orator. "Joining us from the Muskogee Congregation, Bro. Torturous..." You just KNEW you were in for a great time.

  • willyloman
    A Public Talk from a speaker that you and everyone knows is a terrible, incoherent orator.

    Like the speaker who gave a talk on "sex and marriage" and used the word "penis" about 20 times, his apparent obsession making the audience extremely uncomfortable. This was topped only by his use of the phrase, "Wham, bam, thank you, m'am."

    That was a long hour.

  • xjw_b12
    This was topped only by his use of the phrase, "Wham, bam, thank you, m'am."

    Probably picked that term up from his wife.

  • Sunspot

    **(change your name, create your own little compound deep in the woods, marry several spouses...).

    Gives a whole new meaning to "Witness Protection Program", huh"

    Speaking for most of my kids (you said "young JWs") I'd say going out in FS in the territory around their school.


  • jws

    • Sitting in a judicial committee
    • Family bible studies
    • Having to pee when somebody decided to "finish the block" and you end up at one door for over an hour
    • Shepherding calls from the elders
  • Moridin

    The longest hour for me was the family study. Nobody wanted to do it and we all got into a family argument every time. I even remember my dad telling the elders at out sheparding call that it was supposed to help us and bring us together and it did the exact opposite. That should've been a clue we were in the wrong religion. I also used to do what New Light said by staying in bed and praying that my parents would oversleep and forget to go out in service. It only worked a few times

  • Honesty

    The anguish on my kid's faces during the 10 minute drive to the KH for service when my ex would 'take the lead' (she always did have a problem with WT submission... can't say I blame her) by explaining what the FDS twist on the Daily Text was because before we went on the trip to Hell I'd just read the scripture and let them comment from their hearts.

  • Valis

    How about sitting through local needs and being called out? The ears start burning, your face turns red and you just sit not looking around.


    District Overbeer

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