How did 1975 affect you?

by AK - Jeff 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I lived thru the 1975 Fiasco. Many here did too.

    On another board there was discussion about the way the congregations were before 1975. Some thought that they were like small country churches in some ways. We did our own work on repairs at the Kingdom hall, like a family. We ate meals together with others, or just stopped in freely to their homes, we shared surplus from our gardens, spent time at the parks, recreated together. In short we acted like Christians who loved one another deeply as family. If anyone was sick- physically or spiritually - we cared and tried to aid them through it. It was a real brotherhood. This is the religion that I grew up with. This was the religion I loved. Perhaps I have just connected that. It was the 'little country church' that had the 'truth', or so we thought. Maybe that is what attracted me in my teens to become a witness. I finally got it, after I got out 30 years after 1975.

    Does anyone else sense that the whole witness world changed post 1975 to a corporate conglomerate? The hall in our area is now a $400,000 building, impersonal, cold. And the people are the same. Cold, uncaring, gossipy. In short they have become Big Religion.

    Of course, even if the witness organization had remained family like, I would not return due to the error. But does anyone else sense that the whole thing fell apart so to speak with the 1975 fiasco?


  • scootergirl

    The big way that 1975 effected me was that was the year my parent's decided that we needed to become JW's since the end was coming.

  • Englishman
    But does anyone else sense that the whole thing fell apart so to speak with the 1975 fiasco?

    It fell apart for my Dad after 1975. He'd been an air-traffic controller and he gave it all up, house as well, to go pioneering to warn everyone about 1975. He was a PO and would do a count-down at the Service Meeting of the number of calls any one house would receive before 1975. "Only 8 more calls round the territory before 1975, brothers! Only 8 more chances for them to board the spiritual ark!"

    Damn, I miss him. He was an incredible man.


  • garybuss

    Before 1975 it was easy for an outsider to see the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation was wrong. After 1975 it was easy for an insider to see the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation was wrong.

    Every generation of end time group members have their own disconfirmation.

    These groups grow in spite of being wrong, not because they are right.

    Big growth comes AFTER big mistakes become known. The best thing that can happen to an end time publishing company is more error. Lots of people like to associate with a publishing company that has not ever been right . . . not even once.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...1975 was the reference point we all looked to....and when it came and went we were all patient...

    However in 1977 I turned 21 and wanted to study architecture. My father encouraged me to pursue it. Armegeddon no longer seemed like such a looming event. Big changes came in my life as a result.

    When I think back to 1973 and wanting to quit high school because .." Armegeddon was coming!" ...and I wanted to be in the forefront "preaching"....oh man, what a horrific waste of energy; potential, fun and father insisted that I finish high school...pioneering could ( and did) wait...thanks Dad, for your forsight

  • Wallflower

    I was brought up the cult, my parents having been converted in the mid-60's. We lived in the Midlands where all our extended family were. Come 1974 my parents decide to up sticks and move to where the need was greatest. I had just turned 9, we moved to a little village in Snowdonia, North Wales, where everyone was related to everyone else. We were English and couldn't speak the language, we were Jehovahs Witnesses and had no friends or family. At school it was like constantly having a "Kick me" sign on my back, constantly bullied.

    After 1975 the urgency of it all seemed to go, like a big deflation of enthusiasm.

    We moved back to the Midlands 10 years later. What a complete waste of time. It was my father trying to win browny points with Jehovah at the expense of the families sanity.

  • Golf

    I've commented on this topic before. No, I was NOT disappointed, I really thought there was too much work left to do.

    Even when I was a teenager in the fifties something didn't seem right, but, I kept my thoughts to myself. The New World translation was coming into existence, they were done in volumes and that took time. Now, if the end was coming (today, as they always make it) why the slow procedure in the translation? Years would pass for the next volume of the Hebrew scriptures to be completed. Studying the surviving Armageddon book was another example, over and over again. Anyways, those are my short thoughts.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Before 1975 it was easy for an outsider to see the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation was wrong. After 1975 it was easy for an insider to see the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation was wrong.

    Thanks Gary for that. It still took me decades to see it though! I just hope my 'friends' inside see it too. None of them will talk to me. I think they are afraid that Big Brother will know they dared. They also might be afraid to learn that the 'truth' is not the 'truth'. I think I was at first.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    No, I was NOT disappointed, I really thought there was too much work left to do.

    Golf - I always thought that too. I could not ever swallow the idea that Jehovah would destroy a billion Chinese people, and say they had a chance at life, just because a half dozen witnesses graced the country. What arrogance, really, to make such a claim as that. The english/american people get to be witnessed to, what, a thousand times. While the chinese should get the truth if they happen to breath the same continental air that a few pioneers breath, or die?


  • Undecided

    A few months before 1975 I married a worldly woman and was happy to begin living my life as I pleased, without the confining responsibilities of being a JW. I really didn't worry about 1975, I was starting a new life with a family(she had two kids) and I have been free to think as I please since then. 30 years later and still no armageddon.

    Ken P.

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