JW's and star trek?

by bboyneko 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • think41self

    Hi bboyneko and welcome to the board

    I see others have already said why the references to the borg seem so appropriate in reference to the society.

    I am just a sci-fi/fantasy fan period. Think about it, isn't that what we were raised with? Living forever in a paradise earth with no physical imperfections, all our needs met...isn't that sci-fi at it's best?

    What I really looked forward to from TNG shows was the ability to just walk up to a hole in the wall and say "One hot fudge sundae please". Now THAT'S my idea of paradise.


  • Billygoat


    That's awesome! LOL! I just remember my bible study conductor telling me she thought that was demonic magic making the food appear! Haha! My parents (still active JW to this day) were always big ST fans. I don't remember it being banned in our household like the Smurfs were. But one of my best memories as a child is watching that show with my dad and eating oreos and drinking chocolate milk. :) Sigh...


  • Kismet

    I think all the analogies are done but one little simple point was not mentioned in the development of references to the Society as Borg.

    JW's often refer to the Society as the Organization... the Org .... throw a B in front....

    Kismet - one of 'those bethelites' that watched Star Trek while at Bethel, even incorporating it into a skit for Family Day.

  • seven006

    Star Trek has a very deep rooted psychological meaning for any JW's who
    were associated with the religion back when the first Star Trek series
    appeared on television in the late sixties and early seventies. It was on Thursday nights.
    It was a constant battle with ones inner strength to try and stay both spiritually
    and physically healthy back then. If you felt the slightest bit sick on
    Thursday night and couldn't make the service meeting then you would
    just have to stay home and watch Star Trek. As word got around the many
    congregations about Star Trek, the sicker the JW's seemed to get.

    The more the sick JW's stayed home on Thursday nights the more Star Trek
    climbed in the ratings. The epidemic soon spread through out the country.
    Thousands of JW's became ill just thinking about Thursday night. Thoughts of
    giving talks and hearing about spirit filled watchtower farm pigs using toilets
    soon changed to evil Klingons and pointy eared Volkens with bad hair cuts.
    The better the show got the sicker the JW's became.

    Then, with out warning things came to a crescendo.
    There was this episode where Spock was in heat and his level of lust was going to
    kill him. He had to make a choice, get lied or kill his best buddy Captain Kirk.
    Some how (I forget how) he fought Kirk and it ended in some kind of Volken tic-tac-toe
    draw, loop hole, kind of thing and he didn't have to have sex with the Volken Chick he didn't
    like, and he didn't have to kill Kirk either (Volkens are stupid). The governing body noticed
    that in just that one Thursday night their watchtower and awake sales dropped 80%. They
    looked at each other and said "holy shit, our sales are flowing down the toilet right
    next to the pig shit, what are we going to do"?
    (I'm not kidding here, they really said "pig shit", seriously, I have the documentation some where.)

    Any way the society decided to tell everyone the end of the word was coming in 1975.
    The JW's started to feel much better on Thursday nights and started to attend more meetings.
    Soon after that, Star Trek was canceled.

    The next few years the kingdom halls were starting to get packed. New people were studying
    with the JW's right and left. They thought to themselves, "what the hell, might as well join, Star Trek is canceled".
    After 1975 came and went a miracle happened. Star Trek came back in re-runs. People left the
    religion in droves.

    I think it was Ray Frans who said it best and I quote "Fuck this shit, Star Trek's back on" unqote.

    I hope this answers your question new guy.

    Live long and prosper.


    So long as the priest, that professional negator, slanderer
    and poisoner of life, is regarded as a superior type of human being,
    there cannot be any answer to the question: What is Truth?
    -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • closer2fine


    "I agree w/ your conclusions and that the Borg is the penultimate example of a controlled environment. There is little doubt that WTS would have it that way, if possible."

    PENULTIMATE - you wouldn't by any chance by a General Hospital fan would you?????? They just recently used this word when Luke and Laura were signing their divorce papers. Sad, I know, that I know this - but I had to look the word up. :o)

  • bboyneko

    Hey cloer2fine i just wanted to say COOL OPUS ICON!!! hehe im a big fan of bloom county and I love opus. I have a huge opus collection of opus stuffed animals, including a bill the cat..I also have an OPUS PHONE!!! I just found it last weekend at a thrift store for $3 and it still works and it's in great conditioN! hey i noticed with alot of the opus' i find at thrift stores and stuff, girls kiss his nose!!! My opus phone had like a very fine collection of dirt on his nose and on closer inspection i found it to be some dust that had stuck to the grease left by someone kissing his nose!!!! Was this a fad in the 80's? Another one of my opus has big lipstick kiss on his nose.

  • claudia

    Does anyone remember the episode with Landrew? If people on his

    planet didnt agree with him they were assimilated, because they were

    no longer considered "of the body" My boyfriend said there were so

    many similarities between them and the jws, I used to giggle

    nervously when he would say that. Duhhh

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Bboyneko,

    quite an interesting topic. I would like to answer Spider:
    “I seem to remember reading a society publication brought out in the eighties.I think it was called the Peace book or maybe my memory is playing tricks.It was red....anyway - It was the only book I remember ever suggesting that after Armageddon we might collenate other planets....”

    I’m quite sure that this is the quote you’re referring to:

    The book is “Worldwide security under the “Prince of Peace” (pub.1986)

    *** ws 184 22 The God of the "Prince of Peace" Becomes "All Things to Everyone" ***

    10 To all eternity our earth will bear a distinction that no other planet throughout endless space will enjoy, though the earth may not be the only planet that will ever be inhabited. Uniquely, it will be where Jehovah has indisputably vindicated his universal sovereignty, establishing an eternal and universal legal precedent. It will be the only planet on which Jehovah of armies will have fought “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” It will be the only planet to which God sent his dearest Son to become a man and die in order to recover the planet’s inhabitants from sin and death. It will be the only planet from which Jehovah will have taken 144,000 of its inhabitants to be “heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ.”—Romans 8:17.”

    Greeting to all, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Englishman

    Star trek is very dub-like.



    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • think41self


    I love your sense of humor!

    If I didn't already have children, I'd ask you if you wanted to "donate to the cause"


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