In Jesus name,,,amen!

by frankiespeakin 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I find it hard to beleive that one needs a certain formula to follow in order to pray to God. Any formula you find got to be a human invention. It is hard for me to imagine a God that is so petty that he won't answer a persons prayer unless they follow with the ending "in Jesus name" come on that sounds crazy. I can just see God now listen to a prayer and the person forgets to say in jesus name and so God says:

    "Oh I guess we will have to throw that one in the crapper.. because he forgot to say "in Jesus name". Too bad it was a nice prayer but I can't bend the rules,,all they have to do is just say in Jesus name I don't see what the big problem is". Sorry I would have loved to save your whole family by answering you prayer for my help,, but you forgot to say In Jesus name,, get it right people!!".
  • Leolaia

    LOL...It's like dialing a phone number without waiting for the dial tone. I don't know about Jesus working as a prayer operator. I bet the system can easily be automated and Jesus would be out of the job.

  • phil78

    One year we were "celebrating" the memorial, and one of the brothers got up onto the platform to say the prayer preceeding the passing of the wine. He was a little nervous, so that might explain what happened. The prayer went pretty nicely (same old ramble), but he finished up with:


    Well............. what a commotion! There was whispering and shaking of heads everywhere. The elder knew he had broken the code, and you could see he was embarrased as he stepped down off the platform. The elders had a chat to him after the memorial, and made him get up on the platform the following Tuesday service meeting and "appologise to anyone he might have offended". I thought it was all BS, but thats the way it went.


  • the_classicist

    In Jesus' Name....

    Its not really necessary, as long as you believe the Jesus acts as the mediator between God and Man. You can just say 'amen'... I suppose 'amen' is not necessary either. We shouldn't be so dogmatic, God listens whenever we call especially considering he's omniscent.

    According to JW theology prayer works like this:
    JW: do this and that for us and expand the worldwide work. Amen.
    God Listening in Heaven: He didn't say in "Jesus' Name!!!" Well, I'm not listening to that. Muah ha ha ha ha.
    Jesus: And for my next miracle, I'm going to turn water into funk...
  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    The Watchtower misses the whole point. It is the meaning of Jesus' name that is relevant. Not the saying of the word itself.

  • JustTickledPink

    It's like when you get on stage and you have to tap on the microphone and say "is this thing on" and then you realize its on... that is how prayers work, you have to get the mic on (jesus is the mic) and then you say the prayer through him... (through jesus name) and then you end. The mic then gets shut off.

    Refer back to my thread about silent prayers for my idea is god actually reading your mind all the time?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    LOL...It's like dialing a phone number without waiting for the dial tone. I don't know about Jesus working as a prayer operator. I bet the system can easily be automated and Jesus would be out of the job.

    [dialtone, touch-tone dialing, ring, ring]

    Thank you for calling Jesus' Prayer Line.
    This is an automated system that can handle most inquiries.
    If after using this system, your prayer is not answered,
    please, stay on the line
    and a representative will be with you shortly.

    If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, please press 1.
    If you are calling from a cellular phone, please press 2.
    If you are calling from a pay phone, please press 3.
    If you are calling from a car phone, please press 4.
    If you are calling from a secret-spy phone, please press 5.
    If you are calling from a princess, phone, please press 6
    If you are calling from a car fax, please press 7.
    and If you are calling from a rotary phone, please, stay on the line

    Make your selection at any time.

    [touch-tone 1]

    Make your selection at any time.

    [three touch-tone 1's]

    For information in English, please press 1.
    For information in Spanish, please press 2.
    For information in Japanese, please press 3.
    For information in Chinese, please press 4.
    For information in Dutch, please press 5.
    For information in Latvian, please press 6.
    For information in French, please press 7.
    For information in Yiddish, please press 8.
    For information in Ig-pay Atin-lay, lease-pay ress-pay ine-nay.

    [touch-tone 1]

    [long touch-tone 6]

    Please make a selection at any time.

    [three touch-tone 6's]

    For help with your homework, press 1.
    For winning lottery numbers, press 2.
    For help with getting that cute blonde in the Billing department to notice you, press 3.
    For information about lost kittens, press 4.
    To get out of jury duty, press 5.
    For all other prayers, press 6.

    [four touch-tone 6's]

    If you have not set foot in a church in the last three years, press 7. If you have been to church in the last three years but have robbed a bank, cheated on your spouse or committed a misdemeanor AND voted 'yes' on Proposition 215, press 8.

    [touch-tone entry]

    Make your selection at any time.

    [here begins the touch-tone frenzy]

    Make your selection at any time.

    The system is waiting for a touch tone entry.
    The system is waiting for a touch tone entry.

    There is a possibility that you have made an error in
    selecting your message. Please try again.

    The system is waiting for a touch tone entry.

    There is a possibility that you have made an error in
    selecting your message. Please try again.

    I'm sorry, but we are unable to interpret your request.
    Please call back during normal business hours.

    [CLICK ... sound of dialing]

    Thank you for calling Jesus' Prayer Line.
    This is an automated system that can handle most inquiries.
    If after using this system, your prayer is not answered,
    please, stay on the line
    and a representative will be with you shortly.

    [fades out on]
    If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, please press 1.
    If you are calling from a cellular phone, please press 2...

    (Tool lyrics paraphrased)

    p.s. i think some of that "in Jesus' name" stuff stems from the rituals, particularly in the Catholic church. when i was very young, before the jw's got their claws into us, we were Catholic. i always found the rosaries, imagery and rituals beautiful and comforting. reciting "in Jesus' name" or something like that made prayers seem more special and "holy". but i don't pray anymore...

  • Leolaia

    Prayers are charged a $9.95 connection fee.

    p.s. i think some of that "in Jesus' name" stuff stems from the rituals, particularly in the Catholic church. when i was very young, before the jw's got their claws into us, we were Catholic. i always found the rosaries, imagery and rituals beautiful and comforting. reciting "in Jesus' name" or something like that made prayers seem more special and "holy". but i don't pray anymore...

    Kinda like the baptismal formula "in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit".

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    Prayers are charged a $9.95 connection fee.


    PATER noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

    OUR Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    Kinda like the baptismal formula "in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit".

    i love the way Latin sounds, and it's even more beautiful when spoken in a church. i always hated the NWT... the Holy Bible is a very romantic, beautiful book and the WTS butchered it and made it so clinical in their quest for "clarity". it's a shame...

    i mean, just reading these texts is very stirring and makes me feel melancholy because it's so pretty

    si non es baptizatus ego te baptizo in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

    If thou art not baptized, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Does God really care how sincere prayers end.... hmmmm, I don't think so... the key word is "sincere".

    Then perhaps it's more for the petitioners' benefit, i.e. for those who are praying to help them exercise more faith.... (couldn't hurt).

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