Labels for mags in Dr's offices, Laundry etc...

by mkr32208 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I was thinking about printing up sheets of self adhesive labels to carry for when I see a WT or Wake in some public place something small like a 1.25X 2.75 avery address label I could carry three folded back to back in my wallet and they would take up about the same as a business card then when I see WBTS publications I could "witness" to the unsuspecting public...

    I was thinking something like This group shields child molesters and lies about their beliefs check it out at or silent lambs...

    Anyway I was looking for some Ideas. It needs to be hard hitting but short just one or two sentences with a web address or two max... Maybe even two or three different labels one on child abuse one on blood one on bullshit prophecy (maybe with a reference to deut 18:22) maybe we could work up some sheets in a word document and post it where it will always be easily accessable and everyone could do it!


  • upside/down

    I read on someone elses post that they had a stamp made that said something to the effect of...

    Sample of Cult Material

    Sample of What to Avoid

    Certified Cult Propaganda

    get the idea?


  • sf

    As I just submitted in another thread, I just write down key website URLs [freeminds, silentlambs and quotes] on the front cover when I see them.

    I also print up various informative flyers and 'place' them in conspicuous locations such as grocery store check out lines, newspaper racks, hospital lobbies, social service offices, magazine racks, laundromats, fast food restaurant tables, etc.

    Use your imagination.


  • bebu

    I loved what Sixofnine gave as a billboard message:

    Knock knock! (Who's there??)
    Find out what the Jehovah's Witnesses really believe:

    (Of course, after the quotes site issue is settled...)

    And other people on this board already do what you are considering.


  • mkr32208

    I do write stuff on them now but unless you use a marker it can be hard to see I was thinking a lable stuck dead center on the front would be the best eye catcher but "ceritified cult material" isn't going to sway anyone! In fact it might make someone curious!

    I don't want this to become a time consuming crusade either I just want it to be easy if it's easy I'll do it if its a pain in the a$$ i'm just inclined to let it slide! I work in an area where we get TONS of mags and books and to write all this out on every one is a real pain! Plus is someone sees me and complains I could get in trouble so I need; quick, easy, effective...

  • jgnat

    I nice little downloadable PDF might do the trick. Make it for Avery 5260, a fairly standard size 1" x 2.63"

  • AlmostAtheist

    If you can place the sticker so as to seal the mag shut, so much the better...

    "Jehovah's Witnesses say transfusions are
    the same as eating blood, and refuse them.
    Do you agree?"

    "Does God hate birthday celebrations, or
    did Jehovah's Witnesses make that up?
    Find out!"

    "Will the Watchtower misquote YOU or your
    organization next? Why do they need to?
    Find out!"

    "My mother won't talk to me anymore because
    Jehovah's Witnesses told her not to. Why?
    Find out!"

    This is kinda fun!


  • Elsewhere

    Anytime I find any watchtower literature I simply "dispose" of it.

  • jws

    I think a website is a great idea, but I don't think using this discussion board is a good place to start. Freeminds or silentlambs might be better places to point somebody who wants quick and to the point reasons not to get caught up in what they read in Watchtower literature.

    This board offers a lot of valuable insight from people who were there and lived it, but on any given day, there are jokes, postings about the weather, current events and so on.

    Maybe there should be a discussion forum on this website like "Best of" that has posts that might specifically be of interest to people who are encountering the religion for the first time and want to see what the detractors have to say. The topics under here might be ones were newbies post saying they are studying with JWs and get advice from us. Stuff that can give them an impression about the JWs without having to wade through a lot of the community chit-chat.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    How about making a sheet of labels with the words "WARNING: CULT-RELATED MATERIAL INSIDE".

    Affix it to any WTBTS literature found in public places, etc. This would be a great campaign!

    Just letting my thoughts run away with me.


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