Strange Mail...

by silentlambs 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Perhaps "ofcmad" can help here. How would he indeed go about getting the package dusted for prints? If there is no threat to his life, yet is suspicious, and, given the nature of his life these days, what CAN he do to find out where it originated?

    If it were me, I would be at my neighbors house with it. She is a forensic tech at the local copshop. I can ask her too, what courses you could take. If you like Bill. Think I might just ask her for the hell of it. You know, stay educated...that's my motto!

    Sincerely, sKally

  • Amazing

    Hi SF: You asked, "How would he indeed go about getting the package dusted for prints?"

    I am not a crime lab expert, but I am aware that finger prints can be taken from paper objects. In the case of the famous Mr. D.C. Cooper, who hikacked a plane over Washington State, he had tried to hand a Flight Attendant some money from his stash. She refused, but the FBI later regretted her refusal because they would have had his finger prints on the money.

    You also asked, "If there is no threat to his life, yet is suspicious, and, given the nature of his life these days, what CAN he do to find out where it originated?"

    The postmark would at least show what state and town or postal center it was sent from. This, combined with a finger print from the package could yield some results, or at least have the information ready in the event some threatening material were sent. It is wise for SL to at least turn this stuff over to the police. He is in a high visibility situation that could lead to serious harassment or threats.

    As I noted above, if there is no postmark (at least if after running a scan, the post office cannot determine that there was ever a postmark, then in all likelihood, it was deleviered by hand from a local crank. But, again, this is telling, and would at least allow for fingerprints. If the person concealed thier prints by using gloves, they still may have touched in in a way as to leave a minor amount of body moisture, and this could result in obtaining DNA information.

    By documenting a trail as it first starts, this may set a pattern whereby the crank is eventually revealed, and this wold be important to establish in cases of harassment and/or threats. Using the USPS for harassment is a federal issue, and if I am not mistaken, may be a felony. - Amazing

  • LDH

    Bill, if it wasn't postmarked, then it had to be hand cancelled.

    Was it? If it wasn't, then it wasn't delivered through the mail service.

    Also, for your safety, I would recommend you not open any packages with a return adressee unknown to yourself or your family.

    If you want to check and see if the mailing addy is ligit, here is a link for you.

    Please advise us if the package was hand cancelled.


    PS- The message is clear! The District Assembly is coming up and you will need those utensils to eat the crappy food they serve. Oh, never mind. They've even stopped serving crap.

  • silentlambs

    i did not notice the postmark at first but now that you mentioned it i went back and looked. it says, fruitport, mi, 49415, mailed on july 2,01. so there you go, i guess that shows it did come from michigan. i really do not want anyone to harass this person, i think it is just another misguided uneducated individual who thinks he made a statement. i think as this story get larger more will occur. it brings home the need for caution none the less.

    i wonder if i should send the package to j. r. brown and ask him to stop his people from harassing me? do you think he would write me back?

  • ros

    Check your e-mail. I sent you a private post that may shed some light on this.

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