Mentally ILL People : Will they be saved ?

by Lampokey 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lampokey

    For the sake of argument , I will presume that respondents believe in the concept of salvation.

    Broadly - very broadly - I would put the mentally ill in two categories :

    The retarded and the criminally insane.

    An argument is made that the retarded will be saved :

    But this does not , IMO , properly address the issue of salvation for the criminally insane.

    Will they too find salvation - because they do not have the capacity to understand the Biblical message (although some may believe they are doing God's will) - or will they be damned - due to their evil actions?

    I ought to resist the temptation to tell the old joke :

    Q.What's the difference bewteen a prophet and a paranoid schizophrenic ?

    A.About 3,000 years.

  • prophecor

    This Nut Certainly Hopes To!!!

  • Gill

    Broad! That's about as broad as it comes my love.

    Everyone fits in the middle with no problem.

    Since everyone, no matter what they claim, has some kind of mental problem, just as everyone has some kind of physical problem I'd have to say, yes they're all as bad as eachother and all equally eligible of salvation, if that's what you believe in.

    Gill, of the I've seen a psychiatrist myself class and so know you don't have to lose your thinking capacity to be ill!

  • czarofmischief

    It's my belief that the Grace of God will eventually save almost everybody. C.S. Lewis pointed out that many of the so-called sins will fall away when our bodies are no more; and we will see the really wonderful person inside.

    Correspondingly, many of our so-called virtues will also be revealed as being the product of fortunate circumstances, ie. a good digestion, good family, or a relatively stable mind.

    I do not see brain deficiencies as being any different from physical ones in this regard.

    I am also a firm believer that death is the full wages of all sin; hence the criminally ill can be redeemed at the same rate as anybody else.


  • blondie

    What is the phrase:

    The whole world is crazy except you and me, and I'm not too sure about you.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Your two categories are too narrow. There are all kinds of insane people who are not criminals. The thing is, if you want to take most Christian interpretations of the Bible, even those good people of the world who are not insane will not be saved if they don't ask Jesus to save them. And my Christian friend tells me all the time, "Jesus said nobody is good but God." She also swears to me that every single person will have a chance to ask Jesus to save them. She used to be a JW. I think she just traded JW dogma for her own self interpreted dogma.

    I maintain that if God is as petty, shallow and murderous, as most Christian churches teach that he is, then we are not better off with him in charge than Satan.

    I had saved this article to my desk top and never read it. Lately my fiance read it and I think it's an interesting take on the Bible. I don't think, from what he's told me, it sounds any more wacky than most churches sound.

    If people want to worship a God who would kill and waste untold millions of people, then they can do so. I prefer to believe that God is love as 1 John 4:8 tells us. And that: "He that does not love has not come to know God because God is love."

    What is love? 1 Corinthians 13:4 tells us: "Love is long suffering and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag,does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

    I measure everything a Bible translation or Christian tells of God against those two scriptures from almost any translation. If it's not loving, it's not from God who is love. Find your own answer looking at those scriptures. Anything someone tells you that goes against love is something man made up to scare you. They haven't come to know God because God is love.

  • Raphael

    Either God exists or he/she/all that is doesn't - it's that simple..

    God is either a social construct ...evolved by us to make us feel less alone in the vastness of the universe that case there can be no debate about who will or wont be saved, the argument is pointless, just as blaming or thanking God for all the evils or blessings in the world would be...

    On the other hand if God does exist then the debate becomes the most important issue every living being with the ability to reason and make choices will be forced to face at some point..if as I believe God does indeed exist , then God will be all encompassing beyond anything we can conceive in our finite minds..surpassing all understanding and the judgements that God makes regarding individuals wether sane or insane will be just and right. God after all will see far beyond anything we could ever even begin to imagine or conceive....for me this removes all fear right now in the present...regardless of what the future may or may not bring.

  • gumby
    What is love? 1 Corinthians 13:4 tells us: "Love is long suffering and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag,does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does's too bad Jehovah of the O.T. didn't read his own words more carefully as stated above,

    .....before he killed millions of people as is recorded in his very own book. Here is a god who is merciful, loving, kind, self controlled, isn't provoked, ......yet he goes ballistic repeatedly out of jealousy.

    The bible god is a bi-polar dickhead in my opinion.


  • new light
    new light

    Anyone believing in salvation is by nature mentally ill.

  • Elsewhere

    South Park explored this complex and intriguing dilemma.

    The kids found out that one must confess their sins in the name of Jebus before they can be saved... but Timmy can only say his own name: TIMMY!!!!! So how can Timmy go to heaven if he cannot confess his sins in the name of Jebus??? They concluded that their friend would go to hell and tried to find a way he could be saved.

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