Which meeting was the hardest to attend for you ?

by NoLongerAjw 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • WhyNow2000

    I liked all of them except the Public talk, WT Study, Service Mtng, Ministry School, and Book stuy. Other than these I loved them all.

    Ps...I forgot I also didn't fancy circuit assembly..oh..and district convention.

    Ps...One more, all the "special" talks...where u say to everyone u meet "that was such a good talk..the best"

  • patio34

    The absolute worst, torture-like, one was the Thursday nite meeting. The school had really boring talks. The 'kingdom ministry' was worse than boring. The Q&A times were like: 'what was the publisher peak in Borneo?', wait for a mike to be taken for someone to read the stupid answer!


    The rest were pretty bad too, but at least they didn't keep you out late--on a work or school night.

    What a waste of time . . .


  • soylibre

    All of them....however, the School and Service meeting were always like death by torture.....hell, you've worked all day....rush home...change clothes, eat if you can and try to read over your publications....it was just easier to stay home....I hated the book study too because if you didn't comment everyone looked at you crazy because it's such a small group...then the public talk....well at least you didn't have to study for it...and the WT...well....death by torture again....just an overall pain in the ass...that's what they all were...and field service...well the best time was break...over all I guess you could say I hated it all!

  • Lindy

    From the time I was a little kid the worst meeting for me was the Book Study. I hated it with all my might. Boring people, so few, and not near as many distractions as the bigger meetings. It seemed no one ever studied and the same people always answered and there were always the silences on the material no one wanted to comment on or if the study material was to hard, like in the Babylon Book and a couple others. I used to take colored pencils as a kid and teen, and color in the pictures as the study droned on and on.
    One period of time the study was interesting for me, when I was 16. I had a crush on one of the young brothers there and he always sat next to me and we whispered and giggled alot through the meetings, dispite our mother's darting looks... Some memories are good...


  • BritBoy2001

    To be honest....all of them were boring...except when someone was Df'ed or reproved!! Then they were exciting as we sat there passing notes voting on what "sin" they had commited!!

  • NotBlind

    For me, the WT study and the book study are the worst. (I still attend regularly.) In years past, when I used to attend the meetings in another language (Spanish), it was pure torture because all but about 5 couldn't really speak Spanish. So I had to conduct the book study listening to everybody, including grown adults, read their comments out of the book, and not even reading it well, at that.

    And what a waste when I would say something that was halfway intelligent, only to get blank stares from EVERYBODY because not a soul could understand what I was saying. AAAARGH!

    And what about the conventions.... Hang on, that deserves a post of its own.

  • Disengaged

    Dear Dedalus,

    You survival techniques were killing me. Touche!

    Had quite a time catching my breath.......phew

    FEELIN BEROEAN "Just making sure!"

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Which meeting was the hardest for me to attend? That is easy - the very last meeting I ever attended was by far the most difficult. I sat there surrounded by people, most of them I considered to be friends, and I knew that this would be the last time I would be amongst them. I knew that as soon as my letter of disassociation became common knowledge I would lose all of them. And I was right. I hardly listened to a word that evening, just spent my time glancing around at people who I knew would alienate me. It was very sad but definitely the right decision for me.

  • Disengaged

    I have to say as many here have, they all made me want to bang my head. Some of the "Talking Sleeping Pills" on Sunday were pretty bad especially if you heard the talk a million times as they continually play the same ole' broken record, scratched cd, or wrinkled cassette tape!

    FEELIN BEROEAN "Just making sure!"

  • Francois

    Which meeting did I hate worse? Easy. The Saturday meeting just prior to field service, 'cause it meant that field service was next on the agenda.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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