What does the WTBTS have to gain?

by aud8 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor_E

    1. Finances to support a house of cards
    2. Finances to support the feeble dying gb
    3. Finances to support the next generation of gb wannabees
    4. Finances to fight former JWs
    5. Finances for next generation of leaders to live and travel like fortune 500 execs
    6. Finances to increase more finances

  • 68storm

    In most institutions it is one, or both of these two. Power and money.

    Within the jws the biggest seems to be POWER! POWER! POWER!(even though the society has more than enough of the second ingredient)


  • stephenw20

    GodRules :

    Think about this.
    At least you have to give the WTS some credit. See, they are willing to be ridiculed for an organizational change, or a change in one of their doctrines if after further Bible studying they find a clearer understanding. They will not stay stubborn on one belief until eternity. Although there have been many changes, basic Bible truths have not changed:
    Jehovah is not part of a trinity. The ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Hell is not a place of torment. etc.

    YA know GR... I like the idea you are here to love your brothers and defend the WTBTS. It s wonderful to have an opinion. Its also wonderful to have a consistent opinion.

    GR writes:

    "yet they make very wise decisions when they invest (a businessman will agree).
    Could they actually have the backing of Jehovah? Don't rule it out so quickly. Think about it."

    Yes let us consider this shall we Having gods backing, let see the evidence......Are you attempting to state that men with no business experience cant run a multibillion dollar Corporation......
    THINK again...........Bill Gates. knew how to play with a computer....the Fella running America isnt the sharpest pencil in
    the box, but he is SURROUNDED by some that are.

    Lets get back to the point of GODs backing and CHANGING a stance on something........can any one tell me the last time GOD changed his stance on something........oh gee thats right he doesnt ........well then........this backing you say the org has.......can you show me all the evidence of such.

    and while your at it......look up these few watchtowers so you can get the full import of the points you make.

    1982 "Today, a remnant of this 'faithful sHOO' is still alive on earth. They occupy a position similar to that of Paul .. when that apostle said of the wonderful truths .. 'It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit.' .. How vital it is for everyone in God's family to submit loyally to the teachings and arrangements of the Great Theocrat, Jehovah, and his King-Son, Christ Jesus, as transmitted through the 'faithful slave' on earth." {WT Jun 1 1982 17 etc.}

    1982 "At the headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York, there is a governing body of older Christian men from various parts of the earth who give the needed oversight to the worldwide activities of God's people. This governing body is made up of members of 'the faithful and discreet slave.' It serves as a spokesman for that faithful 'slave.' The men of that governing body, like the apostles and older men in Jerusalem, have many years of experience in God's service. But they do not rely on human wisdom in making decisions. No, being governed theocratically, they follow the example of the early governing body in Jerusalem, whose decisions were based on God's Word and were made under the direction of holy spirit." {YCLF 195}

    The May 15, 2001 Watchtower states , that Jesus directs the faithful and discrete slave in their work. So from the above we have Jehovah as the editor, Jesus directing the faithful and discrete slave and the Holy Spirit directing this effort. If any organization truly had all this, spiritual direction from the principles that created this universe , should not every word printed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society be regarded in the same way as the bible. Any corporation or group that had this spirit based direction could never be questioned. So I ask you , show me this evidence that requires me to believe that these earthly men are any different that you or I.

    Oh please!

    Some of you may not be aware of the Pacific Learning Center for the WTBS
    where is it, California, no Oregon,no Washington st... NO
    its in HAWAII........

    Has any of the publishers looked at a yearbook to see how many publishers LIVE in Hawaii. ITs certainly not CHEAP to FLY there.

    Please GR.. feel free to comment..

  • Steve Josef
    Steve Josef

    If you think about it the WTBTS has ALOT of money to gain. The publications are sold to the member. It is then sold again to the public when the JWs go out preaching. For every publication the WTBTS makes it paid TWICE for the one item. And then it gets donations, so an incredible amount of money passes through!

  • slipnslidemaster
    the love of money doesnt fly,in part, with these guys. although they may still have more privilges than other members at headquarters, they still have to get up every morning and eat a crap breakfast like everyone else. they have to sit there and hopefully stay awake during another morning worship. they have to report to work at the age of 80+ while other people their age are watching the paint dry. and if you have ever lived in the heights, you will see em preachin and teachin.....greed.......i dont think so

    nytelecom1, please post more on the lifestyle in Bethel, I find it fascinating.

    We've hashed and rehashed the money issue here on the board to death and I have to agree with Joelbear. I think that the consensus is that they do it for the power. I think that money scandals and money issues would be easier to track and come to the surface more.

    Slipnslidemaster: "But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near."
    - Andrew Marvell

  • bigboi

    Hey Aud8:

    I think in answering your question, lookat how you feel as a witness or used to feel. I think everyone here wasa t one point intheir lives deathly afraid of being disfellowshipped and losing evrything dear to them. So no matter what you kept up this pretense(consciously or subconsciously) until it was no longer healthy for you to do so. Well, that may not describe everyone here, but I think it applies to some. I think this fear drives a lot of those in the upper echelon of the Society to keep this thing going. Really though what would they do, where would they go if they fessed up and most of the rank and file left in disgust? They no doubt use this fear to rationalize and smother and pangs of conscience they may feel as a result of the misdeeds on their part.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • willy_think
    I have a question:

    If the WTBTS is so into deceiving everyone and trying to reel in as many newcomers as possible, what does it actually have to gain from this? Why are they there at all? Why are they always trying to switch teachings to make themselves look "believable"? WHY?

    in the US a corporation IS an independent entity. it is NOT the men who run it.

    what does it actually have to gain from this?

    a corporate intity needs the same thing all entitys need to grow and keep alive at all casts

    Why are they there at all?

    if you are asking about the men. thay are there because thay have allways ben there and have nowere to go, so thay stay in the good life with the good "gifts" in plain envelopes.

    if you are asking about the corporation thay are there becuse thay were there. thay are there becuse russle ran another con the "long con" and it is running on and on.

    Why are they always trying to switch teachings to make themselves look "believable"? WHY

    this was answred in the frist...to keep alive...to grow...

    who do you think thay are trying to look "believable" to?
    not those who believe, but there target group "catholics".

    did it never seem odd to you thay out of one side of there moulth thay say catholics are "satans church" and out of the other side thay say how JWs need hide there true "truth" to look good to "satans church"

    is it not odd that all this "new light" makes the WTB&TS inc. more and more like the catholics.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • metatron

    Let's figure out what drives them.

    First, you take a bunch of really old men.

    Even if they had billions of dollars, what would they do
    with it? If you're old and broken down, how much enjoyment
    can money buy you?

    Sex? Well, you're old and creaky, maybe the flag pole
    never goes above half-mast.

    But there's one thing left,

    Power! Control! Dominance! As a certain member of the GB
    is reported to have said "the rain falls on the small
    and the great"

    Which category do you think he put himself in?

    These are the same guys who handed out autographed Bibles to
    Cuban officials -- Ironic, huh? One group of leaders representing
    a fossilized ideology meeting with another group of fossils.



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