Mainstreaming and the Greatest Mystery

by metatron 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34


    LOL. I gave them way too much credit! After all, it's not as if they broach any disagreement with their stuff. Nor do that many people outside of dubs read them. So, everything can slip on by.



  • patio34

    P. S. And that's why such reading doesn't knock them outta dubdom. I get it!

  • Moxy

    interesting comparison nicodemus. never looked at it quite like this. lets invert these two articles:

    w92 11/15 15 Jehovah Is Not to Thank
    8 Crediting Jehovah God for the successes that our abilities bring upon us is unwise and dangerous. Doing so can even cost us our very life. . . .If we encounter success because our actions are wise, . . . We should appreciate the divine help we receive, never crediting God for the predicaments and happinesses we bring upon ourselves.

    w94 9/1 21 Beware of Self-Blame
    Even if a person is unusually inept in a particular area, does this justify low self-esteem? No, because low self-esteem denigrates humans, whereas any weaknesses we have come from God. He should receive the blame. Why should we receive blame for something we were born with?


  • NotBlind

    I guess that's why it's the 'humble, good' witness who downplays his/her talents. If he's a good speaker, it's because he used the Society's publications researching a talk. If he's successful in service, it's because he/she "applied the Society's suggestions in the KM."

    Of course, when said suggestions don't work or said publications are boring and repetitive, it's your own d*** fault for not doing better.

    **My first post!**

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