Brother Michael called.....

by jellybelly 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I love it! Don't be worried about these stupid asses. It will be interesting to see what happens with you partners mother though.

    Your husband should be given a medal for his performance on the phone! I wish I could be that cool.

  • JustTickledPink

    You know I didn't realize that they could disfellowship you just for something you believe in your own mind. I always thought you had to commit some wrong, and even if you had some apostate thoughts as long as you kept them to yourself you'd be okay, but if you shared them with others or tried to get others to believe in apostate stuff then I knew you could get in trouble.

    It's just so stupid to think someone would call you up and ask what you believe and then DF you.

  • mkr32208
    It's just so stupid to think someone would call you up and ask what you believe and then DF you.

    yeah and they would never dream of doing something stupid...

  • myself

    Wait, do they have two eye witnesses to the fact that you believe in evolution? I think the rules are that you have to have two witnesses.

    Welcome jellybelly!

  • rick1199

    This reminds me of the recent post about telling the local newspapers what is going on. Could be fun to do and a good witness for the local congregation.

  • Sparkplug

    Hello all! Yes I am new here.. But the story sounds familiar. Some family of mine is still in and a bit disturbed lately because they questioned the elders if anyone had stopped by and talked with me. The answer given was"yes several times!" I have been here for 5 years now and not one person has been by. Not even on our street and we, THANK God, but I seriously have to wonder who has this territory?

  • Pumple

    Haha, those crazy sons of b**ches. I wanted to join the army and they got all apeshit crazy about it and sent an elder to put me straight. Firstly he asked me whether I believe in God, and since I wasn't sure about that he propably thought about other malicious activities I might be involved in. So the next thing he asked was whether I masturbate or not.

    Gee wizz oh jolly oh, in what position and how often do you bang your wife mr. Elder? What? Damn sure it's NONE OF YOUR $£@"#¤% BUSINESS.

    Too bad I didn't come up with anything good at that time so I just lied and denied all self-gratification activities.

    Second of all, nobody believes in evolution. The facts of life require no belief.

  • jellybelly

    here's a letter I just got from my mum

    Howdy ........., Im extremely sorry that ............has been disfellowshipped. His mother mentioned to me that he was saying things totally against what the bible said so I guess in a way I expected it. Its not quite true about the witnesses not having anything to do with you as I know that an elder visited you at the caravan park and ............ told him that you all didnt want anything more to do with the truth. Therfore they would have been following his wishes. I know a lot of people have asked me how you are what you are doing, so they have been concerned about you both.

    I have been wanting to talk to you for a while about your stand because you did dedicate your life to Jehovah and have now become inactive. ................ told his Mother that you beleive the same as he does. I cant imagine that being true with the study you have done with the bible.

    Also I feel you may have been looking into apostate material with the info you sent me regarding the society. What hope do these people hold out for the future? I notice they mainly attack the organisation which being imperfect will make mistakes. If you remember when Jesus was on the earth the disciples thought the kingdom was coming at that time, even Peter fought when they came to arrest Jesus, cutting off the ear of the high priest He even denied Jesus 3 times but was not rejected by Jehovah because of that. The same today, Jehovah's organisation does make mistakes as it is imperfect but when you examine their teachings from the bible you cant fault them. Also the bible says that the truth would get brighter and brighter so things would gradually be revealed as time went on. Maybe Jehovah allowed the date in 1975 for a reson. A lot of people fell away afterwards, perhaps they wereonly concerned for themselves and didnt love Jehovah.

    Just because there has been a change of thinking on the time of the end doesnt change the fact that the end will come in this generation. Could you please read 2 Peter chapters 2 & 3. I only wished you had done your study by reading the bible instead of going to apostates to get your infomation.

    I feel that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent, you are being deceived by the 'seed of the serpent', who are all on Satan's side and are out to turn all people from serving Jehovah and to put doubts in their mind about Jehovah's earthly organisation. We are deep in the end of this system as you can see by the events happening world wide. The bible says that Jehovah is not slow as respecting his promise but desires all to attain to repentance. So we should be glad he hasnt brought the end yet. By studying the way Jehovah has treated events in the past we can see how events will unfold in the future.

  • JustTickledPink

    are you sure YOUR mother wrote this and not MY mother... Because it sounds very familiar. In fact I might have, let's see about 50 emails that sound just like this one.

    LOL.. welcome to the club. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

  • AlmostAtheist
    "doesnt change the fact that the end will come in this generation"

    Did they do another flip-flop on the "generation" teaching while I wasn't looking, or is she just not up to date on the current teachings of the Faithful slave? The "generation" baloney was abandoned in 1995, as I recall.

    Gina and I were just talking about this "god's channel"/"imperfect men" dual-personality thing that the Watchtower has going on. It's perfect. Obey everything we say, 'cause we're God's channel, but allow us to make mistakes and correct ourselves, 'cause Hey, we're only human.

    Of course, the doctrines of the 'tower can be shot down from their own Bible, so even the "examine their teachings" bit doesn't hold water.

    I got the same line from my father-in-law. You can put information in front of people, but you can't open their eyes.


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