Got Busted By Wife?She Said She Want Tell.(update)

by Big Jim 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • think41self

    Hey Big Jim,

    I am glad your wife is not "ratting you out". Too many times, they do, thinking it is for the best.

    As for the smoking thing, I have been on both sides of the fence. For 36 years, I abhorred the smell of smoke, and could not imagine why people would do that to themselves. Gee, now that I think about it, I was self righteous and smug about it, just like a JW is about other peoples beliefs!

    I think for many of us who leave the borg, there is so much that we
    have always been told is bad, and we (most of us) are not about to run out into the world taking drugs and sleeping around, risking death and injury from many things. So smoking, for a short while (which is what we all tell ourselves when we start) seems like a relatively harmless way to "rebel" against our restrictive upbringing. I mean, when you find out that you aren't going to live forever in a paradise earth, and you are actually going to grow old in this "system of things", cutting a few years off the end of your life doesn't seem like the unforgivable sin, know what I mean? Hell, we're ALL gonna die if we live long enough.

    So basically, I am saying that smoking is not the worst thing you could be doing. We also only smoke outside because we would never want our kids to breathe it in. I have been smoking for a little over a year, and I plan to quit soon. So you people take it easy on us is a personal choice, you know.

    And Bugeye, for your "oh so sarcastic" response, I only have one thing to say:

    BITE ME [8>] It is "good living" people like you who get hit by a bus standing on the street corner.


  • BugEye



    Another invite, Damn your getting me all hot and bothered again girl


  • somebody

    I have to get this out.

    I have a sister-in-law who things her shit don't stink. ( wonderful way to start this, huh? ... This will lead to a point though.)

    My grandfather was an alcoholic, and my grandmother was a cigarette smoker. They were both great people. They taught me a lot of good important lessons in life, and some lessons that weren't so good.

    Forget it..this isn't the proper place,nor the time. there is no point.

    BigJim, If you don't mind me asking, where were you when you got busted by your wife?

    BugEye, I'm sorry for being rude.

    Think4, Every time I see your picture or read your posts, I just can't help smiling!

    night ya'll,

  • jayhawk1

    Well, time to confess too. Once in a great while, I smoke pipe tobacco. I find it harmless, and I am not addicted. I smoke about once every three weeks. I have for years. I am surprised that I was never caught! Especially with a Jehovah's Witness right next door.

  • think41self

    Thanks Gwen, You're a sweetie. And don't hold back girl, we want to hear what you have to say!

    And Bugeye, I still say


  • LadyBug


    Just showing BugEye your post. He says "promises, promises". .

  • safe4kids

    Hey ((((Gwen)))),

    Please finish the story you started...I was getting very interested in it. I used to be very judgemental as a Jdub and felt morally superior to people who smoked...course, I was drinking like a fish, but hey! that was acceptable!! (Go figure)

    I haven't had a drink in almost 5 years now but I started smoking about a year ago (it's all Think41self's fault, doncha know??!) and now I'm having the devil's own time trying to quit!!! Arrggghhh.

    Contrary to certain opinions that have been expressed in this thread...certain SARCASTIC opinions by one who shall remain nameless (you know who you are BugEye! ), smokers too have the right to foul the air around them! Especially here in America, where we're all ignorant, greedy, selfish people who rarely know what day it is!!, getting off subject here...anyway, my point is that I'm sure Bugsy has done his share of fouling the air...maybe not with carcinogens but perhaps something more subtle and much more deadly ?? (Let's ask Liz next time we see her!! ) And if we evaluate this objectively, really smokers are much more honest than someone who might um...well, you know. At least people KNOW we smell up the air around us, hell they can see the smoke coming out of our mouths but with the other situation...there is NO warning.

    And Gwen, honestly I can't figure out why you apologized to Dave...after all, we go by playground rules here and I know for a fact that HE STARTED IT!!! Hehehehehe

    (You people are so much fun!)
    Luv yas,

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • TR


    You're too cool. Let's get hitched. Or, maybe just a quicky.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • think41self

    Ladybug, Bugeye knows I am ALL TALK

    Safe...I did NOT start you smoking was the other way around and you know it. You are still trying to get me in trouble just like you did when we were kids. And didn't I ALWAYS save some of my soda for you because you drank yours too fast and I KNEW you'd be thirsty?

    BTW...LOVE your new's a keeper.

    I'm going to have a smoke now.


  • BugEye

    <---- Tags Safe and runs like hell

    "YOUR IT!!!!"


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