Email from JW Cousin

by Undecided 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • 68storm


    A very good reply! I am certain that it flew right over gr's head unfortunately.


  • mustang


    As Gopher points out, YOU ARE OUT OF LINE.

    As I mentioned, my father imposed on me over 600 times AFTER I LEFT HOME. That was in my home or some neutral place or ON MY TELEPHONE
    & MY TIME.

    If I listened quietly and dutifully (as I did to my father), I believe that Jesus or Jehovah, visiting me personally, would RESPECT MY WISHES, if I respectfully declined after hearing their presentation. But not that clown!!! JW's seem to be, by training, turned into the most obnoxious people on this planet. They are totally lacking in manners and decorum, from my observation.

    BTW, the discussion NEVER was really about doctrine. It was "you gotta go to meeting's", 'time is short', 'the end is near', 'do more', 'go back to pioneering' (and starving). Or it was how bad some other person was behaving. Gopher was right about judgemental.

    The only doctrinal discussion I have ever had a difference on is on the proper higher education that I was cheated out of. An elder (college educated) from the next congregation sent his kids to university and NOTHING WAS SAID. (He and his son were both regular exchange speakers on Sunday.) I (and others) took a needed few night classes and got a stream of visits from the Olders.

    But, I hear they (WTS) have mellowed on the higher education issue. That's good; they got a favorable view (to any from the outside) into print. However, as some w/ CO/DO/other type of inside track info have pointed out, they still do the back room slam-dunk discouragement. Same old double-standard. Where do you think my father learned his 'end justifies the means' conduct?

    A lot of us are stumbled by jerks who don't know their religion from a hole-in-the-ground. JW could be changed to HW for HORRIBLE Witnesses.

    A Fence-Sitter, who doesn't suffer fools

  • larc


    If Jesus came to my house I would recognize him. He would have a beard and he would be very merciful and loving.

  • GodRules

    larc: That is obvious. Interestingly the Jews also had a perseption of what the Messiah should look like or what he would be doing. They expected a king to deliver them from the Roman oppresion. Since it wasn't what they expected, they killed him.

    The problem here is that most of you are implying bad motives on your family members. Yes, fathers can be a pain, but I lost mine to death a few years back, and I would give anything for him to be with me right now. Don't misinterpret the love that family members give. You should be happy that at least they care enough to keep trying to bring you in to what they honestly believe to be Jehovah's organization and only way for survival. Seeing things from their perspective helps you understand that real love they have.

  • reagan_oconnor

    Hiya, undecided:

    You must give him credit for having my interest in mind, but I just can't see how any of the "truth" is really truth any more.

    You yourself have said it.


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Gopher


    You said in your latest post,

    The problem here is that most of you are implying bad motives on your family members......Seeing things from their perspective helps you understand that real love they have.

    Where did our posters imply bad motives from their JW family members? I quote:
    "He obviously really loves you. It's a heartfelt plea...."

    "A very sweet letter from a man who are like my parents."

    "I feel the same way. My parents are very heartfelt about my salvation from Satan."

    The posters are able to see things from the perspective of their JW family members. This is since they were formerly JW's themselves.

    But these JW's (parents or whatever) keep the pressure on for their non-JW family members to change, to conform to their view of "proper" Christianity. Since they're not getting the right response, these JW's will either shy away or else keep up the pressure (as was true in Mustang's case). This is not normal, it is not love. Adults, even JW's, should be able to unconditionally love family members, even those who have divergent religious views.

    GopherEven if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    Will Rogers (1879-1935)

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I appreciate the comments. I can understand my cousins motives, he still believes in his heart that I and my family will die at the big A. We were all close family members when we were young. There were about 10 cousins who lived in the country within a mile of each other, and my grandma lived about in the middle of the group. She was a good womam who loved us all. She would tell us bible stories when we were very young and believed she was chosen as one of the anointed. This was in the time of Rutherford. I remember hearing him once, what an arrogant man he was. I can only remember this about him even at the early age of 6 or 7. Those were very good times and I will never forget them but now I must view things in light of what I have learned from an open minded search of facts, not tainted by the cult like control of a religious organization.

    I think I will not try to enlighten him, as this is his life's dream and I wouldn't want to take that from him at his age. I guess it's as good as any that he could have.

    He has two lovely daughters who I think have seen the light if I remember correctly, he doesn't mention them anymore, so I guess he has disowned them. I haven't seen them in 40 years. Another example of the org. breaking up families. Maybe I should mention how much I love my daughters and how well we get along without the borg's intervention. I think I will just ignore his email.

    Ken P.

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I couldn't just ignore my cousin's email. This was my reply:

    Hi Don,

    I was just thinking of your girls, how are they doing these days. Do you have any grandkids?
    My stepdaughter just had a girl in January, she is so cute. I watch her for her sometimes when she has to go to the doctor. We take a walk in the country where she lives and she seems to love it. I have six grandkids so far, they can be a pain but are lots of fun to observe. To bad God is going to kill them all soon and resurrect the ones lucky enough to die before the big A.

    I'm sorry I don't buy all the stuff I was taught in the organization or other religions either. I don't judge others by their religious dogma but by their actions as a human. After examining the teachings from the beginning of the JW faith, without blinders, I have concluded they are just another human developed religion like all the rest. Every event they have pointed to as being a prophecy to be fulfilled has failed to materialize. Now the 1914 date is being redefined. According to the latest information it could be decades away. Remember the scripture,"No man knows the day and hour, not even the Son." has proven to be true. I think you will live to see the organization change it's emphasis on dates. I want say anymore. I guess I am an apostate now as they say.

    My beliefs don't change my love for the family, I hope yours don't either.


    I hope this reply doesn't offend him but that's his problem. I just can't blind my eyes to the facts anymore and dream forever the dreams of a few old men in Brooklyn.

    Ken P.

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