Mormons phoned for the last time - I hope

by philo 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • philo

    I had a follow up phone call from the Mormons today wanting to arrange for house visit No. 2. The first visit had been a game where I asked questions and they wriggled about a bit so as not to address them -- it brought back dub memories, I'm telling you.

    It went like this…

    Who will survive the world's judgement day?

    Only Mormons and exceptional individuals.

    How about me? I'm exceptional. [Modest grin]

    Only God can judge you. We can't say.

    [Does that last reply bring back memories, or what?]

    Will God judge you and Mormons then?

    Yes, he will judge all mankind and separate them...


    But if he's gotta judge everyone, why become a Mormon?
    Because he says so in Nephi 666:66

    That was pretty much the end of the visit.

    So the 'Elder' suggests a time for my second visit. I say, "thanks for thinking about me, but I'm fully booked until after judgement day. [tolerant chuckles coming down the line] I've decided to have a crack at being an 'exceptional individual'."

    Afterwards, I realised I still had his book of Mormon, and I don't know his number. Oh well, at least he can count the placement!


    "It is an absurdity to believe that the Deity has human passions, and one of the lowest of human passions, a restless appetite for applause." [David Hume]

  • peterstride

    I wasn't aware that the Mormon's also publicly taught that they would be the only ones saved. Wow...just like the JWs.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • tattoogrl333

    that is sooooooo weird today I studied with a JW and she said the same thing "only god can judge you" I was asking about the 144,000 people and how they know they are chosen, she said she would have to get back to me the next time we meet. and she would bring me more books. this was the first time she has done that. anyways thought it was weird.
    Oh and every mormon I have ever known, had a trampoline and a mini van. Odd

  • nytelecom1

    what.....who said only God can judge you?? we are complaining that the dubs are saying this too?..i think we all need to make up our minds.first..they are to judgemental in determining who will survive and now we complain because they/we say that God will do the judging?...guess what else is creepy....something that the dubs teach that the mormons teach also...there is a power greater than mortal man...

  • philo


    : now we are complaining that the dubs are saying this too?.

    Who is complaining about that? Not me.

    : i think we all need to make up our minds.

    If you are saying that I should be consistent: that's fine, except where have I been inconsistent? Otherwise you are saying 'WE' should all speak and think in agreement. That's asking a bit much, don't you think? Too many of 'us' have left the Watchtower religion to escape such controls on thought and speech.

    : something that the dubs teach that the mormons teach also...there is a power greater than mortal man...

    Surely you have to admit this is a huge stretch. To say that because there are similarities between Mormonism and Watchtowerism there is a God. Ummm.

    How about similarities between David Koresh's Branch Davidians and Brooklyn's mo: would that also prove there is 'a power greater than mortal man'? Pleeez.


    "It is an absurdity to believe that the Deity has human passions, and one of the lowest of human passions, a restless appetite for applause." [David Hume]

  • philo

    Hi tattoogrl333

    WOW are there really 333 tattoogirls on this site? That would be cool.

    Trampolins indeed. LOL


    "It is an absurdity to believe that the Deity has human passions, and one of the lowest of human passions, a restless appetite for applause." [David Hume]

  • TresHappy

    I worked with a former Mormon who got kicked out for being gay. He told me any time a Mormon comes to the door, ask them about the "secret handshakes" that the Mormons will use in heaven. Some 15 years later, when a Mormon comes by the house and I ask them that, they refuse to answer it and quickly leave. Sort of like when you ask the JW's about Charles Russell and the pyramid.

  • mpatrick

    What other similarities are there among JWs and Mormons. I have a thread going on over at under Mormonism that I started using this thread. We are having fun comparing the two!


    He does not believe who does not live according to his belief.-Thomas Fuller

  • claudia

    Tatto, they should be right at home when they visit me on thursday, I have a trampoline in my living room!!! Philo, what are some questions to ask them? Or can you provide links for me?

  • SusanHere

    I'm sorry to say you misunderstood the Mormon teaching. No, Mormons do not believe only Mormons go to Heaven. This was obviously not made sufficiently clear to you, as it should have been. The correct Mormon teaching is that all good people will qualify for Heaven, no matter what their religion. And those who are not good people, no matter what their religion, will not. The Bible, AND the Mormons, say that God judges on the heart...Not on the outward appearance of either man nor church building.

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