Ozzie's Weekend Poll #123

by ozziepost 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    11. I really hated going from door to door. But I did what the Watchtower Society said we must do.

  • gumby

    It was like going to work for me. I'd done it so long I'm not sure even I knew the reason I went out.

    I was a firm true believer, didn't mind talking to people, enjoyed the social part of service with the brothers and sisters. You kill many birds with one stone when you engage in service. You get in your time, look good to other dubs, fullfil your mandatory duty....etc. You also remove self guilt in that you did your duty and can rest more comfortably with Jehovah.


  • Gill

    Because I had to because it was expected. I HATED every single moment of talking crap to people and I think the people may have noticed!

    There are some who may say that i still talk crap but at least it's different crap.

  • gumby

    Gill.....are you talking crap again dammit?!!!!!


  • bikerchic

    3. To get my time in.

    It was always about the time and remaining an active publisher for me and I used to hope that no one would answer the door cuz I didn't want to talk about all that bible stuff.

  • Mulan

    Definitely #3, to get my time in.

  • BluesBrother

    3. To get my time in.

    On occasions, number 4, By golly gee she was a sweet soul too. The ministry was about the only time you could spend in a female's company..(Nothing serious here, just the simple pleasure of feminine company)

    I did not enjoy the "Ministry" but it was an essential part of being "In the truth" and if you wanted to be in, you had to accept the whole package. The silliest thing was that as an elder I had not only to do it, but to be seen to be doing it. It would not have sufficed to count time going out alone, or with my wife, at times that suited us or were best to find people. I had to lead the group effort and be there as an example to the rest. So I turned up as a stalwart on Saturday on Sunday mornings spent half an hour discussing the text and getting to the territory, then an hour or so knocking on doors that I knew were mostly not at homes , then I bunked of as soon as decently possible. What a waste!!

  • harleyquinn

    #4 and #9...i really enjoyed the company and getting to know someone better whilst out doing the door-to-door thing....i never had a bible study, and was tremendously shy while a jw, so it was rare i would even knock at a door...so for me, definately fellowship with the hottie-o-the-week..

  • formerout

    11. Pressure.... from my mom and older siblings... and my sometimes dad. None of the others really applied because the pressure was so great that it automatically gave me a contempt for the organization and it's entire head of the household structure. It made it easier to leave, though.... .


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Mostly because it was expected of me from my father (got me going in it since I was about 5). Inlater years, I did it primarily so as to not tarnish his standing in the congregation (he was a MS) and to keep that trickle of an exchange between us going.

    But I also enjoyed spending the time with others my age without the clique crap getting in the way.

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