Subliminal Drawings

by X-BorgSoon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • X-BorgSoon

    Hi, I'm new to the forum, have been reading as a guest, its good to know your not the only one going through so many complicated emotions, I'm not in a position to give any advice on how to get out of the borg as I'm not out yet due to 3 generations of family all whom are still devoted and having a hard time weighing up all the possiblities/outcomes of trying to get free, but at least my hubby of 19 years and I are on the same journey and have made sure that our kids are slowly reprogrammed to normal life. Having read all the Ray Franz, Carl Johnson books and gone through emotions of shock, anger and disbelief at the mind control we have been under when I always regarded myself as a fairly intelligent person, but when ordering a book on line about Jehovahs Witnesses and the problem of mental illness and getting a free book thrown in with it, titled Jehovahs Witnesses and the hour of Darkness, with undeniable proof of the societys subliminal images in their supposedly beautiful drawings, wow what a shock to get out bookstudy books and see them everywhere, our kids can actually find them quicker than us, what more proof is their of dangerous mind control, for every meeting we still attend and most publications I look at, there they are, has anyone else read this book? Has this subject been discussed before?

  • Been there
    Been there

    Welcome to the board X. Glad you found us.

    Yes it has been discussed before somewhere on here. I'm terrible at finding old posts tho. There are some on here who will be able to give a link to it but not me. I just wanted to say hi. I'm glad you have your husband beside you so you can all come out together. I think you will like it here, hang around.

  • frenchbabyface

    There are some here who do not believe in subliminal images ... Most related to the fact that those who wants to point them out are focusing on everything and that of course you can see what ever you want in a cloud or a stone for instance (which is true ... now is it on purpose or not ... We will never know)

    But what I know about subliminal effects is that it does not absolutly have to be hidded ... it just have to be weird / surprising / incoherent (in the context) because the purpose is to strike your mind and emphasis the feelings. And to me the WTBS do use subliminal images.

  • frenchbabyface

    Welcome by the way !

  • X-BorgSoon

    Thank you for the welcome, I certainly agree with you, control by feelings of fear are very powerful.

  • vitty

    Hi and welcome,

    I think some images are definately there, but some are a unbelieveble you have to turn them round hold a mirror standing on your head.

    I dont know why they are there, but im not worried about having "evil" books in my house.

  • Undecided

    Thoses images are everywhere, even on a piece of pizza that was sold on E-Bay for a lot of money.

    Ken P.

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    Hello X-BorgSoon !

    Go to my page

    and see 4th part - sections A to F

    Text in French, but images speak by themselves


  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    Sorry, a little "a" is missing

    Link must be :

  • cyber-sista

    Aloha, Thank you

    Nice website, but truthfully I don't see these much in most of these images that I would classify as intentional, though I have seen a few illustrrations that appear to have intentional subliminal messages in them--My opionion is that these are created by someone suffering from boredom in the art department. I don't really think a lot of the illustrations need to contain any subliminal images--most clearly paint a picture of what the WT is leading people to believe.


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