Evolution Anyone???

by Steve Josef 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • larc


    Go to the top of this page to the term "search" and click on. Enter any word in the title. The word "Bad" would be useful because it is unique. Scroll down to any listing with that title and click on and the thread will come up.

    If you have any other questions, write them on a twenty dollar bill, and mail them to me, one question per bill please.-:)


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  • Steve Josef
    Steve Josef

    larc, very well done.

    Truth is, I knew that the difference is small. In fact, if you want to se TOTALLY different genes than ours, you have to go alway back to bacteria. EVERYTHING living (higher life forms) has DNA which is up to 80 % exactly the same. No mammal really is different from one one another too greatly on a DNA level. (In fact with the the current gene mappings, it is incredibly hard to differentiate between human's and cat's DNA. hhhhhhmmmmmm So uuuummmm what does that tell all the doubters? We all came from a common source. (Bacteria)

  • patio34

    Hi Steve,

    I just posted on the thread Larc recommended. But will repeat it here. A year or 2 ago i would have said evolution is ridiculous, as most jws and creationists say. However, I had never read ONE BOOK by a scientist explaining evolution. When I removed the blinders and actually listened to the other side, it is becoming more plausible and the Bible/Creationism more implausible.

    The point is that I was ignorant of the facts the scientists have amassed because all I ever read was the WTBS stuff. Which is grossly biased and misleading.


  • Jason


    If you believe in some form of theistic evolution that is up to you. I'm not sure if you believe in the Bible, I'm guessing not but correct me if I'm wrong. I've read a lot about why evolution and creation can't mix. IF you believe in the Bible, that Jesus Christ is our savior, the theistic evolution is impossible. Let me give a foundation first.

    If you believe in the Bible you believe that God created Adam and Eve to live forever. There was NO death before the fall of man. Christ's purpose in his death and resurrection was to offer us eternal life so that we could take part in his kingdom after He re-created the heavens and the earth. He is supposed to restore everything to what it was like before the fall. (No death, disease, suffering.) I hope I'm being clear because my writing style doesn't always read the way I think.

    This makes theistic evolution impossible (for a bible believer) because evolution includes death and struggling, survival of the fittest over millions of years. So by the time we get to Adam and Eve millions of deaths have occurred but not the fall of man. So the fall of man becomes obsolete because there would have already been death, suffering and disease. And Christ's sacrifice and promise of redemption is foolishness because all he can do is take us from one state of death and suffering (now) and restore the original death and suffering that got us here in the first place. This is one of the reasons evolution and biblical creation don't mix.

    I hope that helped you understand a little about it.


  • 2bfound

    Evolution is the greatest farse there is man.
    You jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
    get saved man

  • Steve Josef
    Steve Josef

    An interesting Email that was sent me :

    Where if I may did you ever conclude that evolution happened. the so called ancestor of the horse is more closely related to the tapir than the horse. Then you have the problem that this animal also lost and gained ribs during the evolutionary process, did evolution not make up it's mind?
    There is no evidence for evolution, man. read up on the great lie, never happened.
    <name here>

    An obvious bible believer. It makes me laugh when someone says that evolution could never have happened. But a god who created two people from dirt and then kicked them out only 6 thousand years ago is the likely answer. The latter seems tooooooo funny to me. Number one, we have human remains that man is older than six thousand years old. Number two, quit putting your faith in a book written very long ago by men and filled it with a bunch of stories. It is a story book and that is all.

    Here is pretty good website on ancient horse and such leading up to our horses of now http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/vertpaleo/fhc/Stratmap1.htm

    Oh and tapir is a living relative of the horse (and the rhino is also a relative)Horses, rhinos, and tapir are in the hooved family called PERISSODACTYLS.

  • 2bfound

    A most interesting website. the horse family tree web site, how most convincing. that pretty much cleared up the controversy, I'm sold I'm burning my bible as you read!
    Steve, I was wondering though before I abandoned myself to the doctrine of macro-evolution, the site you pointed to made reference to a geological column. Where in our globe is this example of the geological column layers displayed?
    Speak to us about dating methods, steve. I would point you to an article in "scientific america" about the problematic events in the dating of the "lucy" find; under the title "The problem with dating an older woman".
    How about those aluding transitional forms? Including those of man? Wher are they?
    Reasons magazine in July of 1997 published a eye-opening article that claimed that a number of sophisticated scientist are now chellenging the views of evolution.
    Francis crick, Nobel prize winner and co-discoverer of the double-helical shape of DNA wrote of the complexity of DNA and so concluded that evolution never happened, instead we were seeded by an alien race(directed panspermia).
    Do I believe in a Creator, namely God who created adam and Eve? YES.
    I cannot believe in evolution because:
    1- no fossil record of transitional forms
    2-irreducibly complex life forms, with no mechanism to construct them
    3- Cambrean period shows almost all vertibrate ammals suddenly with no ancestral tree
    4- DNA
    Steve you say you believe in non mater becoming matter then matter becoming living matter, becoming a cell then a frog then a man.
    That sound so familiar, ah yes... a princess kisses a frog and it turns into a prince. You are right it is toooooo funny.
    steve in short I don't have enough faith to believe in evolution.

  • Jason

    Evolution is the biggest lie of our time.

  • larc

    Hi Jason,

    Taking a break from your Noah research? By the way, are you so fond of the word "lie." Sometimes, people call it the way they see it. Because they don't see it the way you do, does not make them liers. Of course, in the black and white world you live in, there are only two kinds of people, people with "real truth" like you, and people who lie. By the way, Jason, how many other people have the real truth besides you. I would assume no one, since no one else believes exactly like you do. I suppose they could only approximate you and the real truth that you possess.

  • Steve Josef
    Steve Josef

    Very well said larc. :) 2b --- I am very sorry that you are so very angry about this.I didn't want to make anyone mad, It just seems that if you are taught one thing all your life and find out that the lessons you learned were wrong, then it is likely everything is wrong. Even the whole Adam and Eve thingy. Answer me this..... What gives us the right to be so egotistical as to say that a higher being handcrafted us? Is it really that much of an insult to you to say that a higher being didn't put you here? If so, then I am sorry that I insulted you. But I am not that egotistical and I don't think that a higher power has any kind of plan. <Speak of Lucy all you want...... Here check this out

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