A most interesting website. the horse family tree web site, how most convincing. that pretty much cleared up the controversy, I'm sold I'm burning my bible as you read!
Steve, I was wondering though before I abandoned myself to the doctrine of macro-evolution, the site you pointed to made reference to a geological column. Where in our globe is this example of the geological column layers displayed?
Speak to us about dating methods, steve. I would point you to an article in "scientific america" about the problematic events in the dating of the "lucy" find; under the title "The problem with dating an older woman".
How about those aluding transitional forms? Including those of man? Wher are they?
Reasons magazine in July of 1997 published a eye-opening article that claimed that a number of sophisticated scientist are now chellenging the views of evolution.
Francis crick, Nobel prize winner and co-discoverer of the double-helical shape of DNA wrote of the complexity of DNA and so concluded that evolution never happened, instead we were seeded by an alien race(directed panspermia).
Do I believe in a Creator, namely God who created adam and Eve? YES.
I cannot believe in evolution because:
1- no fossil record of transitional forms
2-irreducibly complex life forms, with no mechanism to construct them
3- Cambrean period shows almost all vertibrate ammals suddenly with no ancestral tree
4- DNA
Steve you say you believe in non mater becoming matter then matter becoming living matter, becoming a cell then a frog then a man.
That sound so familiar, ah yes... a princess kisses a frog and it turns into a prince. You are right it is toooooo funny.
steve in short I don't have enough faith to believe in evolution.