Scot Peterson

by Valis 65 Replies latest social current

  • Narkissos

    To answer Billygoat's question, alternative solutions have already been found in half of the world countries:

  • Sunnygal41
    *Slurps a big tongue lick up Minimus candy coating* HI

    SHEILA!!!! LMAO!!! (Terri, who then really gives it thought to what she said..........then turns quickly and does the same thing!!!) Woohoo!

  • googlemagoogle

    Not trying to flame here, but what would be your alternative solution?

    you really can't think of alternative solutions??? i can't believe it! seems like the rest of the world and thinking americans will have a long and hard time trying to civilize the usa.

  • Gerard
    you really can't think of alternative solutions???

    Yes: Life-term without parole at YOUR expense.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    you really can't think of alternative solutions???

    Andi didn't say that. She asked what your alternative solution would be.

    I have no problem if you don't have any, but there is no need to be insulting.

  • Descender

    I suppose insults and blanket statement stereotypes are your ideas of being civilized, Google?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Too bad he can sit on death row for over 2 decades before justice is finally served.

    Too bad for taxpayers!


  • Billygoat
    you really can't think of alternative solutions???

    Andi didn't say that. She asked what your alternative solution would be.

    I have no problem if you don't have any, but there is no need to be insulting.

    Chris, thank you for seeing where I was coming from.

    Google, sorry to have peed in your cheerios that morning, but you are assuming that I believe in the death penalty. I do not. I was simply asking for your opinion for alternatives because I still struggle with answering the same question myself. Maybe instead of taking it so personal and making yourself look like an emotional fanatic, you could keep an open mind and just share where you're coming from as part of a healthy discussion.

  • googlemagoogle

    i got you completely wrong then, sounded to me more like a rethorical question. i'm really sorry bout that. can't find anything insulting in my last post though.

    i believe in something i'd call "predestination by circumstances". we do what we do and we are what we are because of a big and complex cocktail of DNA, how/where we grew up, how we were educated, which friends we have/had, how people treat(ed) us, if we were victims of violence, physical disease, drug addiction or mental disorders and millions of additional variables which make every one of us view the world at least a little bit different.

    if one of those cocktails only contains extreme values, it's very likely for the resulting person to let the psychopath or demon most of us, if not all, have inside us, take over control. someone who kills - or commits another cruel crime - simply aint "normal". explore this persons past and you'll probably find the reason why he's not normal. but many have the attitude to blame the result instead of the cause. remove the cause to minimize the bad results.

    but now that someone commited a cruel crime, how to deal with him (or her, for the feminists out there)? kill him and wait for the next incident to happen? what about trying to find out what happened? try to therapy the cause? and for those of you who prefer to spend their taxes on buying WMDs instead of improving humanitarian aid and science, why not let him work for the costs he causes?

    i think the reason why people want to see a murderer dead, is simply revenge. revenge has always been the cause of really bad bad things. look at rwanda. i for one am glad to live in a country that doesn't play with human rights (yeah, "living" is a human right) - and guess what, even though we don't have the death penality here, this is a much much saver place to live than the usa is.

  • Perry
    I believe in something i'd call "predestination by circumstances".

    If Scott was predestined to premeditatively murder his wife and child, then he had no choice but to do it. It was an historical inevitability. And, since he had no choice in the matter, how could we as a society punish someone that was victimized by their own genetics and society? Is that basically what you're saying?

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