Scot Peterson

by Valis 65 Replies latest social current

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Mercy should be extended to those deserving of it.
    Punishment should fit the crime.
    Dead murderers never kill again.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • frankiespeakin

    I have no hate in my heart for the man. I think what he did horible beyond beleif,,and it shows him to be a very shallow man.

    If he goes to prison,,the time he has to spend in isolation,,time to be alone with himself,,will brings about great suffering for this man much more perhaps than he inflicted on his wife and son. If he awakens to his utter lack of love and is forced to face it.

  • SheilaM

    Frankie:Monsters don't usually feel remorse like "normal people." Steinbeck East of Eden speaks to evil accurately

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I offer the same sympathy he gave his wife and unborn child.

    Karma's a bitch ain't it.

  • freedom96

    In response to an earlier post, yes, there are more minorities on death row because statistically they do more crimes. Simple as that.

    This particular judge has never reversed a death penalty verdict, and will not this time either.

    Ironically, Petersons prison is right next to the bay that he disposed of his wife and baby at. He will likely see that bay on a daily basis.

    California reinstated the death penalty in 1978, and because of so many appeals, etc, there has been only 10 people that were killed on death row since then. Funny, 12 killed themselves on death row.

    Peterson will be kept seperate from the rest of the regular inmates, so he will be a bit safer, though he will be around all those on death row, which are over 600. The fact is that the unwritten code in prison is you don't harm women or children. Scott Peterson may never make it to the chair, as he may get killed before that.

    I am totally in favor of allowing, if they chose to, to let Lacy's parents beat the shit out of Scott, including torture if they wish, and then let him sink to the bottom of the bay with cement bricks on his feet.

  • googlemagoogle


  • Gerard


    Maybe we all shoud give Scott Peterson unconditional love and freedom?

    Death by hydrogen cyanide gas (2 NaCn + H 2 SO 4 = 2 HCN + Na 2 SO4) is a messy business but less so than the previous choices available until 1890: electrocution and hanging.

  • googlemagoogle

    yes, barbarians. the self-appointed "finest people of the world" should know better in the 21st century.

  • happyout

    Actually, the reason more minorities and poor people are on death row is not because they commit more crimes, nor is it because their crimes are more heinous. Statistics have shown that blacks are sentenced to death more often than a white person convicted of the same crime. Men are sentenced to death more than women for comparable crimes. Poor people are sentenced more harshly than wealthy (likely because of the representation the wealthy can afford).

    The death penalty will continue to be a highly debated topic, and rightfully so. A society should never become blase about putting its citizens to death, especially now when so many cases have been overturned because of DNA evidence.

    Happyout - as usual, seeing both sides of the argument

  • Billygoat
    yes, barbarians. the self-appointed "finest people of the world" should know better in the 21st century.

    Not trying to flame here, but what would be your alternative solution?

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