Not in the truth, but haunted by it...

by confuzzed 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman
    i am having trouble dealing with this little voice in the back of my head telling me that if i don't go back to meetings i won't go to the new system and everything i am doing is wrong

    Well, they did WARN you you'd be bothered by dee-monz if you left the troof...

  • jgnat

    In a different context, my pastor taught us to "replace the pictures in the gallery of your mind." He explained that we cannot remove pictures and memories that we have been exposed to, they are with us forever. Trying to excise the memories just brings them to mind more often. A more positive approach is to add new pictures, new memories, new thoughts to cover over the former ones.

    This has worked very well for me.

    You are of an age where you are thinking serious thoughts and establishing your values. Instead of drawing on a past you already recognize as miserable, you will have to chart a new course. Aside from learning what is wrong with the Witnesses, take time to figure out what is right for you.

  • Beans

    Fear not the Watchtower but embrace Quotes!

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